
The WHO HIV Department has established a comprehensive country intelligence system which shares data on policies, strategic information and technical assistance between offices, globally, regionally and in countries. In addition, there are various additional data sources which WHO uses, including Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (GARPR), technical assistance reports, and the results of country epidemiologic and programme reviews.

In 2015, WHO is initiating a process to build on this country intelligence to provide options for visualization, improving the quality and completeness of data sets, and to be able to link and incorporate other data sources it uses into one place. The aim of this is to improve data sharing and coordination within the HIV department and with regional and country offices. The system should also be used to collect data and to generate country profiles, and briefing documents.

Purpose of this assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to work is on visualization options and supporting options for analysis and use of data. It is assumed that this will also require additional data collection through a list of policy questions. Furthermore some analysis and where needed forecasting projections should be built into the functionality.

Scope of Work

The assignment is from 1 May 2015 to 31 October 2015 and the contractor will work under the supervision of the SIP Information Officer.

The contractor will consult with the technical team in the design, structure and final form of the visualization and proof of concept of options for country intelligence. This will involve close consultation with the existing country intelligence, sources of technical support to countries, and strategic information data, including GARPR.

The goal will be to provide a country intelligence visualization portal (drawing on the existing country data intelligence system) to cover basic strategic information by region and country, technical assistance provided, key issues and documents that support this. In a few countries, further detail on technical assistance documents and outcomes, including epidemiologic -reviews should be provided, and sub national data.

Specific Activities

A country intelligence and visualization portal that will include the following features:

a) Interactive visual maps and charts of key strategic information, technical assistance and country documents

b) Drill down from national to sub-national and district in a selected, small number of countries

c) Visualization of separate detailed views by country for strategic information, key documents, key issues and technical support

d) Some predefined analytical features, for example projections and benchmarking comparisons to regional figures

e) A system for collecting data, generating country profiles and briefing documents

f) Downloading features in various formats (Word, PDF, PNG, Excel, CSV)

The contractual partner will work under the supervision of the Information Officer within the SIP unit of the Department of HIV/AIDS.

A detailed timeframe includes deliverables and milestones, against which performance will be monitored on a monthly basis.

The contractual partner will be requested to work off-site.

Interactions will only be through electronic and telecom media (email, audio conferencing, Webex), and no travel shall be considered for this contract.

Requirements for the assignment

Education: Educational background: University degree in Computer science, programming or equivalent.

Experience: Professional experience: 6 to 8 years.

Skills and Competencies: The contractor should have proven experience in the development of data visualization applications and use of third-party tools for generating maps, graphs and charts. Previous work experience with WHO or other international institutions in the field of web application design and development.

Refer to attached document for additional information.


No later than 06 April 2015, 17:00 CET, the bidder shall submit:

i. A covering letter signed by the bidder or the respective authority when the bidder is not an individual.

ii. The Proposal (including, but not restricted to: technical and financial documents, CV).

· Email for submissions of proposal: pdifin<στο> (use subject: Bid Ref 2015HTMHIV003)

· Mailing address for submission of proposal:

World Health Organization --- Mrs Maryann Akpama --- HQ/HIV-SIP, D45031 --- Bid Ref: 2015HTMHIV003 --- 20, Avenue Appia --- CH-1211 Geneva 27 --- Switzerland