Fully- Funded PhD Studentships, Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), UK (2015-2016)

The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) offering fully-funded PhD studentships commencing in October 2015. All applicants must have a first or upper second class degree from a UK university or the overseas equivalent and ideally a relevant Masters degree. Funding consists of stipend £41,589 (£13,863/year) plus fee bursary. KMi offers students an intellectually challenging environment with exceptional research and computer facilities. The application deadline is 13 April 2015.

Study Subject(s): PhD projects in KMi tend to be in knowledge technologies, human computer interaction, and learning sciences. The following projects are available: Automated Linking between Media, Collective Intelligence for the Common Good: Structuring online Dialogues for Large-Scale Deliberation and Civic Engagement, Discovery of meta-properties of data, Health Web Science, Learning from Watching TV, The Semantically Quantified Self, Semantic Sentiment and Behaviour Analysis of Social Media, Visual Food Log Analysis and Web of Things.

Further details:

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Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 13, 2015