Open positions in the field of safer motorcycling

MOTORIST (Motorcycle Rider Integrated Safety) is an Initial Training Network (ITN) Nr. 608092, funded under the FP7 Marie Curie programme of the Commission. Duration: Feb. 1, 2014 – Jan. 31, 2018.

BACKGROUND The aim of the research activities within the project MOTORIST is to make the use of Powered Two Wheelers (PTWs) safer such that fewer accidents occur and if an accident is unavoidable the consequences for the rider to sustain injuries are minimal. The project is divided in three work packages (WPs) addressing three separate but related goals. The first work package aims to improve the rider’s skills by training strategies that are derived from in-depth accident data analysis and from a quantification of rider behaviour in critical riding situations. The second work package aims at developing advanced safety systems that improve the interaction between the rider and the PTW by modelling the rider, also according to the quantification of riders behaviour carried out on. The third work package considers the cases where the crash is unavoidable and will develop personal protective equipment to protect the riders, given the input conditions in-depth accident data analysis at the moment right before impact. The end result of this project will be a set of effective rider training guidelines, safety system concepts implemented on PTWs and improved personal protective equipment and accompanying standards. These results can be used by PTW industry partners in product development processes and by stakeholders to educate riders. The latter aspect will definitely improve the PTWs safety  and moreover the perception of safety as well, which will make more people prefer the use a PTW as to other means of transport.

CONSORTIUM MOTORIST is formed by a group of participating hosts, combining leading education and research institutions as well as industrial enterprises in 6 countries of the EC. Thus the researchers will participate in both the scientific research work and the practical application of new methods for testing and simulation. They will profit from extended international knowledge after their academic education when starting to work in the industry.

COORDINATOR The project is coordinated by UNIFI (University of  Firenze), Florence (I). The MOTORIST Project Coordinator is Prof. Marco Pierinimarco.pierini<στο>

OBJECTIVES The research of MOTORIST ITN will focus on making PTW use safer, through a clear strategy that will be pursued according to the following specific objectives:

  • Firstly an improvement of PTW safety will be achieved by enhancing and optimizing the methods for rider training, with special attention to young riders (the most exposed to be involved into an accident) and elderly riders (because of the increasing mean age in Europe). In fact the riders are a fundamental actor of the road safety improvement is and they significantly influence the probability of accidents to happen with their risk assessment, decision making and control skills.
  • Secondly the safety improvement will be achieved by developing active safety systems that improve the interaction between the rider and the PTW, with particular attention to the urban environment (where the PTW use is more prevalent and where traffic scenarios are more complex)
  • Thirdly, addressing unavoidable crashes, personal protective equipment for the rider will be developed, supported by the information collected from the event prior to the impact.

MOTORIST will use a multidisciplinary approach of rider behaviour, training, active safety and passive safety. The resulting expertise, training methods, and PTW innovations will be of high interest to stakeholders (some of them are also involved as MOTORIST Associated Partners, on rider training) and they will bring fundamental links to the EU Motorcycle Industry and moreover to the PTW or components industry since design improvements to PTW related products are foreseen.


Early-Stage Researcher (ESR): She/he holds an MSc degree and has less than 4 years of experience and has not yet been awarded a Doctoral degree1.

1The research experience includes the period since gaining a university degree giving the candidate access to doctoral studies (the degree must entitle the holder to embark on doctoral studies, without having to acquire any further qualifications). Among others, following criteria apply for eligibility:

  • at the time of appointment, the researcher may not have resided or carried out her/his main activity in the country of the hosting partner for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to her/his appointment
  • women are especially encouraged to apply

  1. Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) on multibody modeling of a motorcycle and integrated rider and control systems.
  2. Three Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) on:

1. Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) on multibody modeling of a motorcycle and integrated rider and control systems


The research is highly multidisciplinary. The candidate should have an Engineering, Physics or Mathematics degree and an adequate mathematical and computational background.

  • Multibody Dynamics
  • Controls
  • Candidates who have the proper qualifications may get the opportunity to perform this work as part of a PhD study.
  • All members of the network are equal opportunity employers, both female and male candidates are invited to apply.

The research activities will mainly be carried out at the University of Florence, Italy with periods of secondments at Siemens Industry Software NV located in Leuven, Belgium, and at TU Delft, Delft, The Netherland.


Application Deadline: February 15th 2015

Targeted Start Date: ASAP


To apply, please send a detailed CV together with a letter of motivation and names of reference(s) to:

Prof. Marco Pierini – marco.pierini<στο>

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Via di Santa Marta, 3  –  50139 Firenze, Italy

tel: +390552758748

The remuneration will be in line with the EC rules for Marie Curie grant holders and consists of a salary augmented by a net mobility allowance.

2. TU Delft will host three Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) on:

  • ESR1.3 will evaluate rider training programs in terms of skill acquisition and safety which will be jointly developed with other researchers, using instrumented vehicles and rider simulators.  In that context, the TU Delft contribution will include a study on Pedelecs and Speed pedelecs. Amongst other, ESR1.3 will focus on simulator fidelity, behavior observation, training protocols, skill assessment, and evaluation of training effectiveness and transfer of training to real life traffic.
  • ESR2.2 & ESR 2.3 will investigate and model steering & balance behaviour of PTW riders.Experiments and system identification methods will be developed to gain understanding in the way riders use visual, vestibular and musculoskeletal sensory information to stabilize 2-wheelers, and to follow a desired path.   ESR2.2 will focus on the investigation of normal balance and steering behaviour whereas ESR2.3 will focus on safety critical events and on-line detection of deviant driver behavior.


The research is highly multidisciplinary.

  • For ESR2.2 we are looking for candidates with an interest, and/or experience in vehicle dynamics, multibody, control theory, biomechanics & perception. Candidates should have a degree in Engineering or Physics.
  • 3 & ESR2.3 have already been recruited.
  • Candidates will enroll in the TU Delft PhD programme.
  • All members of the network are equal opportunity employers, both female and male candidates are invited to apply.

The research activities will mainly be carried out at TU Delft, the Netherlands, combined with research visits and/or short-term secondments to other members of the network.

Application DeadlineAs soon as possible.

Targeted Start DateAs soon as possible.


Please send a detailed CV, motivation letter, a list of courses and grades at master & bachelor level, a report or paper of which you are the first author and names of reference(s) to:
Riender Happee R.Happee<στο>
Arend Schwab a.l.schwab<στο>
Joost de Winter jcfdewinter<στο>

The remuneration will be in line with the EC rules for Marie Curie grant holders and consists of a salary augmented by a net mobility allowance.