1 Early Stage Researcher (PhD student) open position at LEQUIA research group of University of Girona (Catalonia, Spain). Research work: Fermentation of syngas to added-value products

The candidate will enrol the University of Girona doctoral program on Water Science and Technology and conduct a doctoral research work on the biological transformation of wastes into added-value products. Place of work: Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Girona - LEQUIA (Catalonia, Spain). lequia.udg.cat. Envisaged date of start: June-July 2015.


Applicants should fulfil the following requirements:
• Hold a Master’s degree in chemical/environmental engineering, chemistry, environmental sciences, biotechnology, microbiology or equivalent, obtained later than 1st January 2013.
• Have an excellent academic record (an average grade of ≥2.00 is desirable)
• Be fluent in English

LEQUIA (the Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering) is a research group of the University of Girona (Catalonia, Spain) devoted to the development of eco-innovative water solutions. LEQUIA projects involve environmental scientists, chemists, biologists, engineers and computer scientists. Our research lines are: i) design, operation and control of advanced processes for the biological treatment of industrial and urban wastewaters, ii) valorisation of resources within the water-energy nexus, iii) environmental decision support systems, and iv) advanced oxidation/adsorption processes for the treatment of liquid and gaseous effluents.

Our offer: 
• A research group with a recognised trajectory in the environmental/chemical engineering field
• An international and multidisciplinary team
• The necessary equipment and facilities to carry out your research work
• Intensive contacts with fellow researchers across Europe
• Intensive contacts with industrial partners in Spain and across Europe
• A funded European project that addresses global environmental changes such as depletion of fossil fuels, waste treatment and biofuel production 
• Support and guidance to develop your research career

Applicants should send the following documentation to promotor@lequia.udg.cat not later than Sunday 24th April 2015:
• A motivation letter
• A CV with the average grade of Bachelor and Master studies. For candidates who obtained their Bachelor/Master degrees outside Spain, the Spanish equivalent grade of their academic record according to ANECA (https://notasmedias.aneca.es) must be provided.
• The details of at least one reference.

Only applicants providing the documents listed above and fulfilling the requirements of this announcement will be considered.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Chemistry - Applied chemistry
Environmental science 
Engineering - Chemical engineering
Biological sciences - Biological engineering

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 

Comment/web site for additional job details


Application e-mail


Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline
