Communications Engineering - Four year PhD Studentships

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Communications Engineering was established by the University of Bristol with financial support from EPSRC and some 25 UK companies to train the next generation of communications engineers.

Communications Engineering is recognised as a key discipline that will underpin future economic growth. The UK is a leader in this field and industry has a growing demand for high quality researchers and engineers Working closely with industry, the Centre addresses diverse challenges ranging from theoretical to applied research. The first year provides training in the broad area of Communications and covers the skills necessary to enable you to undertake cutting-edge research in your PhD. It comprises:

  • Courses in advanced communication engineering topics with a choice of units
  • Group and individual projects
  • Enterprise training
  • Transferable skills training to increase your employability
  • Engagement with industry to demonstrate the application and context of research

‘My main reason to choose the University of Bristol was because of its outstanding research reputation, close industrial collaborations and excellent course structure’,

Jaya Thota, postgraduate student

Students will be able to choose a topic for their PhD from a wide range of proposals, most of which will be collaborative with industry, towards the end of the first year and will normally build on the first year’s individual project. The PhD programme will also include a wide range of workshops and short course in years 2-4, in specialist technical subjects and business skills.

‘The Centre offers a great opportunity to get a strong foundation across many fundamental areas of communications and skills, allowing me to broaden my knowledge before focusing on a specific research project’,

Michael Collett, postgraduate student

Entry requirements

Applications are welcomed from enthusiastic UK/EU students with, or expecting to gain, a first or upper second class honours degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science or Physics.


Studentships are available to UK nationals/EU nationals who have been resident in the UK for 3 years or more, and a small number of studentships are available to non UK resident EU nationals for entry in September 2015. Part-funding is available to other EU nationals.

Studentships are 4-years in duration and cover fees and maintenance for qualifying applicants. An enhanced EPSRC stipend of £17,000 (year 1) and £18,000 (years 2-4) plus conference travel is payable to successful candidates.

Further Information

For further information go to: or email

Application deadline

Applications received by the 1st May 2015 will be considered for the next round of interviews. Applications received after that date may be considered, subject to availability of studentships.

How to Apply

To apply for this studentship submit a PhD application using the online application: