Three (3) Postdoctoral Positions in Plant Shoot Development, Heidelberg University, Germany (2015)

Three postdoctoral positions studying lateral growth of plant shoots are available in the group of Thomas Greb at the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) of Heidelberg University, Germany.

Our group investigates the process of lateral stem growth as a model for elucidating mechanisms of growth regulation by intra- and intercellular communication. In the context of an ERC project, it is envisaged that the successful applicants will address the fundamental question of how cell identities are reprogrammed during postembryonic growth processes and how interaction between cells and their extracellular matrix contribute to this process. For more information on projects or the general setup, please view our website pages ( or contact Thomas Greb directly.

Research at the Centre for Organismal Studies in Heidelberg is dedicated to study organismic biology from the basic molecular principles to cell biology, developmental biology and physiology both in plants and in animals at all organisational levels. The institute is fully embedded into the Life Science campus of Heidelberg University and access to state-of-the-art imaging, proteomics and genomics platforms is assured.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Πέμπτη, Απρίλιος 16, 2015