Fifteen (15) PhD Scholarships in Process Engineering, Newcastle University, UK (2015)

Applications are invited for 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to be funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "BioRapid" (, a consortium of nine European academic and industrial partners from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark and Germany funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission. The ESRs may have the opportunity to obtain their PhD with a wide experience in biopharmaceutical and bioprocess engineering related disciplines.

The available 15 positions
- Project 1B: Early toxicity prediction using hybrid-based modelling
- Project 2B: Early bioprocess development using PAT approaches
- Project 4E: Exploiting integrated rapid bioprocess monitoring methods for acceleration of process development
- Project 1A: Rapid screening of drug candidates
- Project 4A: Disposable immunosensor for process monitoring
- Project 4B: Disposable biochip for rapid culture media evaluation
- Project 3E: Modelling methodology to scale-up freeze-drying unit performance
- Project 2C: Bioprocess risk assessment using a mechanistic modelling framework
- Project 3A: Automating experimentation in miniaturized reactors
- Project 2A: Data augmentation in bioprocessing
- Project 4C: Real-time monitoring by soft sensors for quality parameters in recombinant protein production
- Project 4D: Real-time monitoring by soft sensors for quality parameters in downstream processing
- Project 3D: Influence of E. coli gene regulation on recombinant protein production and purity
- Project 3B: Scale up effects on population heterogeneity in a fed-batch process of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Project 3C: Consistent bioprocess development and scale-up

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τρίτη, Μάρτιος 31, 2015