Five (5) PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Sustainable Building, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark (2015-2016)

CFEI has five vacant positions in relation to the project COORDICY

In regard to the newly started project COORDICY Center for Energy Informatics seeks Postdocs and Ph.D.'s for five vacant positions. All posistions are for a three-year period starting from June 2015.

COORDICY is a strategic DK-US interdisciplinary research project for advancing ICT-driven research and innovation in energy efficiency of public and commercial Buildings.

COORDICY will facilitate ICT-driven research and innovation in advancing the energy-performance of newly built energy-efficient and existing conventional public and commercial buildings. This will be achieved by developing a holistic ICT-centered approach to coordinate the actual energy-performance of building systems operation to meet the original intent of building design and presumably advance it beyond, without compromising occupant comfort and efficiency.

We seek energetic and dynamic candidates who will be able to contribute in the development of a holistic ICT-centered methodology that provides tools for online monitoring, simulation and evaluation of energy-performance; intelligent energy management; whole-building energy performance diagnostics; and decision support for energy retrofits. The work will be done in close collaboration with the other members of the project team.

Following positions are available:
- Postdocs: Model Based Prediction of Buildings’ Energy Performance
- Postdocs: Building Operating System Services
- PhD: Sensing and Modeling of Occupant Behavior
- PhD: Building Energy Performance Diagnostics
- Industrial PhD: Building Intelligence for Energy Efficient Operation

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Πέμπτη, Απρίλιος 30, 2015