Post-Doctoral Fellow for X-ray detector modelling and development

The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble, France and financed by 21 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine, chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science, and physics. The ESRF employs about 600 staff and is organized as a French société civile.

Within the Instrumentation Services and Development Division, the Detector & Electronics Group is now seeking to recruit a:

Post-Doctoral Fellow for X-ray detector modelling and development


The ESRF is initiating a substantial programme from 2015 to 2022 aiming at the development of new advanced 2D X ray detection systems for synchrotron radiation applications. In the context of this programme, a thorough and methodical study of new X-ray sensors, both semiconductors and scintillators, is foreseen. This study, involving bibliographic research, device simulations and experimental work will be crucial in the consolidation of the final detector specifications and the selection of key technologies that will be applied for the development of new detectors.

You will work closely with the ESRF detector scientists and will be deeply involved in numerical analysis in terms of simulation of sensor properties as well as in the evaluation of sensor impact on overall system performance. The study is expected to rely on semi-empirical models of the base materials and focus the simulation efforts on technological, geometrical and functional aspects. You will also participate in sensor characterisation experiments and will be in charge of all aspects related to data analysis and interpretation. The work will require both the use of simulation packages as well as the development of ad hoc numerical analysis code. You will be integrated in a team of scientists and engineers from the ESRF in the areas of detectors, electronics and software and will interact in very close collaboration with other research laboratories, academic and industrial partners at an international level.


You should hold a Ph.D. in engineering or physics, with a very good background in numerical analysis and associated disciplines such as statistics and probability theory as well as technical and scientific programming. Experience and understanding of detection processes for X-rays and/or visible light as well as knowledge of the associated technologies will be highly desirable. Familiarity with physics simulation codes for detection applications including Monte Carlo techniques and some knowledge of scientific packages in Python programming language will be a strong asset.

This position requires fluid and frequent interaction with colleagues and partners; therefore good communication skills are fundamental. Good computing expertise including some scientific or technical programming is mandatory. You should be well organised, highly motivated and capable of integrating into the ESRF’s multidisciplinary and international staff.

The working language of the ESRF is English.


Contract of 18 months, renewable for a further 6 to 18 month-period. Only candidates holding a Ph.D. obtained less than 3 years ago are eligible for Post-doctoral positions.

The annual gross salary will be 41 k€, plus possible additional allowances according to status.

Further information on the post can be obtained from Pablo Fajardo (fajardo<στο> For further information on employment terms and conditions, please refer to The ESRF is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from disabled persons.

If you are interested in this position, please apply on-line at this address:

Deadline for returning application forms: 27 April 2015