Postdoctoral Researcher – Comparative Climate Impact Assessment of the Forest-based Bio-economies of Fennoscandinavia

NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology

Trondheim, Norway

The Industrial Ecology Program (IndEcol) at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is offering a two year postdoctoral position in our team on climate and bioeconomy. 

Many of the transformation pathways presented by the IPCC are strongly dependent on land related measures to meet the two degree target. At the same time the details of how to best manage land and terrestrial biomass for climate change mitigation across different biomes with varying climatic conditions remains a formidable challenge.

NTNU is a well-established institution in this domain with three authors contributing to this topic in the 5th assessment report by the IPCC and more that 30 peer reviewed publications in this domain over the last few years. 

We seek a person that is strongly motivated to join our team to address the interdisciplinary complexities of the land climate-nexus.

The successful candidate holds a PhD in one of the following fields Climate Science, Geo-informatics or Chemical Process Engineering. Given the interdisciplinary nature of our activity we deem interest and ability to explore new fields and sub-fields as important. The candidate should have good programming skills in one or several languages (e.g Pyton, Matlab, FORTRAN-95) in addition to good understanding mathematical and physical fundamentals. Experience with handling and processing of large datasets is advantageous. Strong analytical capabilities are expected. The candidate must be a good team player while also being able to work independently. The applicant must be excellent in English both written and orally.

The selected candidate will join our group on a project to investigate the climate impact induced by the historical land use developments and the utilization of the terrestrial resource base in boreal Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and thereby obtain insights that can guide the design of future strategies for resource supply and utilization in the context of climate change mitigation. Trondheim is the place of duty. 

For more details and to apply for this job click here