Project Officer Communication and Information Systems

In accordance with the Rules applicable to national experts and military staff on secondment to the European Defence Agency (2004/677/EC), Seconded National Experts are seconded to the Agency while remaining in the service of their national employer and continuing to be paid their national salary by that employer. Therefore, candidates for an SNE post must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications; and in any case not later than the recruitment date. The Rules are available on the EDA website - vacancies.
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on-line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e-mail address and a password.



The European Defence Agency was established under a Joint Action of the Council of Ministers on 12 July, 2004. On 12 July 2011, the Council adopted a Decision defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. This Council Decision replaced the Council Joint Action.

The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.

The main task of the EDA is to support the Member States and the Council in their effort to improve the EU’s defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it stands now and develops in the future.

The Agency has a new structure from 1 January 2014. In order to be better equiped to anticipate and react to developments in the rapidly evolving defence and security environment, EDA has been restructured into three operational directorates: Cooperation Planning & Support; Capability, Armaments & Technology; and European Synergies & Innovation. This will improve its operational output; facilitate the prioritisation of tasks; and serve the needs, expectations and interests of Member States more effectively and efficiently.



The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives including its annual Work Programme and its rolling three-year Work Plan. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of flexibility, innovation, and team-working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.



The Capability, Armament & Technology directorate prepares the programmes of tomorrow by maximising synergies between capabilities, armaments and Research & Technology. The directorate brings together the Agency’s work in the areas of: Information Superiority (Communication & Information Systems, Surveillance & Reconnaissance, Space, Cyber Defence; Air (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Air-to-Air Refuelling, airlift and aerial systems technologies); Land (Counter-IED, armoured systems, camp protection and land systems technologies); Maritime (Maritime Surveillance, Mine Counter Measures and naval systems technologies); and the Joint domain (mobility, transport, medical and Ammunition). Particular attention is given to identifying future Critical Defence Technologies needed to support military capabilities.



The Project Officer CIS, under the supervision of the Head of Unit Information Superiority, is responsible for identifying, initiating, and coordinating the participating Member States’ work in terms of cooperative initiatives and projects in the field of Communication and Information Systems, with specific focus on the Communications domain.

In particular, he/she will be responsible for:

  • the development and definition of capabilities in the field of CIS with particular reference to the Communication Systems dimension, based on operational civil and military requirements and current developments;
  • managing the Project Team (PT) CIS (if necessary, acting as a PT Chair) as well as other related projects, workshops and seminars;
  • moderating the “Communication/Information Systems & Network (CISN)” CapTech;
  • serving as chief architect for the unit (Information Superiority) and as supporting staff member for EDA defence architectural work;
  • the management of related Extranet Fora, Activity Database topics and other support tools;
  • identifying the budgetary requirements and, proposing the work plan that will support the activities of the PT CIS and CISN CapTech;
  • preparing, launching and following the tenders and contracts related to studies in support of PT CIS and CISN CapTech activities;
  • contributing to the inter-directorate dialogue with capabilities based inputs to CIS related projects in other EDA directorates;
  • participating, on behalf of EDA, in conferences, seminars, and other similar activities within his subject matter area;
  • coordination with the Project Officers in the Agency to ensure coherency in the full range of capability development work;
  • maintaining appropriate links with participating Member States, relevant EU institutions and other external bodies.

Duties may evolve according to development of the EDA’s structure and activities, and the decisions of EDA management.



a. Conditions for eligibility:

(1) General

  • be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency;
  • be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
  • have fulfilled any obligations imposed on him/her by the laws concerning military service;
  • produces the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties;
  • be physically fit to perform his/her duties;
  • have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU, and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties.

b. Essential selection criteria:

(1) General

  • have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency;
  • hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level). Personnel Security Clearance Certificate’ (PSCC) means a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL or above), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSCC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate.);
  • have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more, or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years or be a graduate of a national or international Defence College.

(2) Professional 

The candidate will be required to demonstrate a thorough understanding of and professional experience in:

  • Communication and Information Technology;
  • the challenges related to effective command, control, communication;
  • proposing and championing effective short- and long-term solutions for capability development in the CIS domain;
  • past and/or on-going operations in the area of J6;
  • understanding and evaluating of Communication and Information architectures (based on the NATO Architecture Framework).

The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she is broadly familiar with most of the following areas:

  • Communication and Information technologies in the military and commercial off-the-shelf domain, for EU and NATO;
  • Future trends of these technologies;
  • Communications and information systems requirements from strategic down to the tactical level;
  • key CIS concepts for operations.

(3) Personal

All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see par. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:

  • strong sense of duty and responsibility;
  • ability to work in multinational team;
  • good interpersonal, communication and influencing skills;
  • results-orientation and strong motivation;
  • flexibility and innovativeness;
  • ability to adapt to a quickly changing working environment;
  • commitment to the Agency's objectives.

c. Desirable:

The following would constitute additional assets:

  • familiarity with the CSDP Capability Development mechanism;
  • knowledge of the international environment (e.g. EU Council, EU Commission and NATO C3 structures);
  • a track record of delivering successful business outcomes;
  • experience of initiating, planning, co-ordinating, controlling and resourcing projects;
  • Project Management qualification.



The Project Officer Communication and Information Systems will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.



The Project Officer Communication and Information Systems will be appointed by the Chief Executive, upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Selection Committee.

Recruitment will be as a member of the Seconded National Expert staff of the Agency for a three-year period (unless a shorter period is mutually agreed between the parties). Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the Rules applicable to national experts and military staff on secondment to the European Defence Agency. The successful candidate will be recruited as SNE, AD11.

Failure to obtain the requisite security clearance certificate may be cause for termination of the secondment.

Candidates are advised that part of the recruitment process includes medical analyses and physical check-up with an Agency’s Medical Adviser.

Applications are invited with a view to establishing a reserve list for the post of Project Officer Communication and Information Systems at the EDA. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a post in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post.

Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of employment in the Agency.



The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.



Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than 7 April 2015 midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline. 

A selection committee will be appointed. Please note that the selection committee's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden.

If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency. 

Please note that once you have created your EDA profile, any correspondence regarding your application must be sent or received via your EDA profile. 

For any prior enquiry, please refer to the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) section, or send an e-mail to recruitment<στο>



Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre-selection and recruitment at EDA.
More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: