PhD - Mechanistic Understanding of Aluminium Alloy Corrosion in Product Stores

The University of Manchester

The University of Manchester

Academic School:


Project title:

Mechanistic Understanding of Aluminium Alloy Corrosion in Product Stores

Anticipated start date for project:

September 2015

Closing date for applications:

When the posts are filled

Information about the project (about 250 words):

Projects are run by EPSRC Next Generation Nuclear CDT (

The goal of the proposed PhD project is to develop a life-time prediction model for aluminium alloy 6xxx series extrusions, relevant to marine environment exposure at Sellafield. The extrusions are used as heat transfer channels and operate at elevated temperature. Corrosion kinetic data of aluminium alloy will be determined as a function of exposure time, environment, process direction, and surface condition (anodised vs. as-received), using ex- and in-situ characterisation techniques. Ex-situ characterisation will include corrosion rate measurements in pH-modified aqueous environment and atmospheric exposure to synthetic seawater at different relative humidity and temperatures. In-situ characterisation will be used to determine the development of localised corrosion using stereo-microscopy and 3D x-ray computed tomography techniques. Associated corrosion kinetic data will be assessed statistically to identify significant trends within the investigated parameter space. Possible mitigation strategies for preventing, reducing, or controlling the corrosion behaviour will be probed by, for example, changing the relative humidity and/or temperature during in-situ exposure experiments. The in-situ set-up will also be explored for the development of a monitoring device by using modified miniature pencil electrodes.

Qualifications applicants should have/expected to receive:

Applicants should have (or shortly expect to obtain) a good degree in a relevant Scientific or Engineering discipline.

Amount of funding available and eligibility:

Fully funded position

Contact for further information:


How to apply:

Please follow the link to for details of how to apply
