PhD Studentship – Inkjet Deposition of Transparent Conducting Oxide Nanoparticles

Loughborough University

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship funded jointly by the Graduate School and School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University (LU) to start in July 2015. The project will be based in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in close collaboration with the Energy Research Lab in the Chemistry Department and Design School.

This studentship is linked to an EPSRC project titled: “Sustainable manufacturing of transparent conducting oxide (TCO) inks and thin films”. This large collaborative programme is led by University College London (UCL) in collaboration with LU and multiple industrial partners. The programme seeks to develop processes for the manufacture of sustainable and inexpensive TCO films and tracks on glass, plastics and steel, as replacements of expensive and scarce materials such as Indium Tin Oxide for use in applications including window coatings, photovoltaic devices and touch screens. UCL will prepare nanoparticles based on earth abundant elements and, at LU, dispersions of these particles will be used in a range of printing and deposition technologies. 

This specific PhD programme will focus on the inkjet printing of the nanoparticle dispersions to form patterned structures and thin films. It will investigate the formulation of the ink and substrate modifications to ensure high quality deposits with good adhesion and reliability. Surface chemistry and surface analysis will therefore form a significant part of the research to ensure appropriate wetting and particle attachment. In addition, post processing (e.g. heat treatments) of the films will be carried out to modify the microstructure, achieve electrical conductivity and enable device fabrication. Throughout there will be close collaboration with UCL and the industrial partners.   

The studentship is for 3 years and is intended to start in July 2015. The studentship provides a stipend of £13,863 per annum plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate for up to three years. International (non EU) students may apply but will need to find the difference in fees between those for a ‘UK/EU’ and ‘international’ student themselves.

Students will normally need to hold, or expect to gain, at least a 2:1 degree (or equivalent) in one of the following, or closely related areas: Materials, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering.  A relevant Master’s degree in the above areas and/or experience in one or more of the following will be an advantage: inkjet printing, screen printing, transparent conducting oxide films, surface modification and surface analysis.

General information about the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering can be found at:

For informal enquiries about the project, please contact: Dr David Hutt, D.A.Hutt<στο>

To apply, please complete the online application using the following link:

The closing date for applications is 11th May 2015
Interviews will take place week commencing 18th May 2015

Please quote the following reference when applying: GSWSDAH15115
