Three (3) Starter PhD Scholarships, Basel Graduate School of History, University of Basel, Switzerland (2015-2016)

The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH)is offering three 1-year starter scholarships, each worth CHF 30,000 (in two tranches with evaluation). Their purpose is to support graduates during the starting phase of their doctorate. Within the first six months scholarship holders must develop a grant application and submit it to the Swiss National Science Foundation, or other funding institution.

A high level of motivation is expected, with the ability to carry out a research project independently over the course of several years as an active member of the Basel Graduate School of History, and to contribute to academic debates both within and outside the Department of History. The scholarships are intended for graduates who hold a Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification in History, and who are interested in carrying out research within the fields of study represented at the Department of History (

The start date of the scholarship is the 1st of October 2015.

Please use the following link to submit your application:

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 20, 2015