PhD Scholarships for the Friedrich Miescher Institute International PhD Program, University Basel, Switzerland (2015-2016)

The FMI International PhD Program provides advanced, interdisciplinary training in epigenetics, neurobiology and mechanisms of cancer. PhD students admitted to the program receive theoretical and practical training, and conduct a research project under the supervision of an FMI group leader, monitored by a Thesis Committee of university professors and experts chosen by the student.

The Friedrich Miescher Institute has excellent technical resources. PhD students learn highly advanced techniques from specialists and are introduced into experimental analysis at multiple levels of biological organization. PhD students at the FMI are enrolled at the University of Basel. After successful completion of the research project, submission of a written thesis and a thesis defense, the candidate receives a PhD from the University of Basel. PhD students are required to attend courses from the graduate teaching program at the University Basel. The program lasts 4 years.

To be accepted for graduate studies at the Friedrich Miescher Institute, applicants must hold a university degree that would formally qualify them to enter a PhD or equivalent program in their home country (MSc., Diploma, DEA etc.). US applicants with only a Bachelor must have successfully completed courses in Biophysics and must have laboratory experience leading to a research thesis. Admission is competitive and is achieved through a selection procedure that takes place twice a year (usually in January and June)

The FMI provides financial support to graduate students in accordance with the scale of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Income is generous relative to international standards for PhD students.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Μάιος 1, 2015