PhD position: Novel geopolymers incorporating silicate waste

PhD researcher within CoACH -Advanced glasses, Composites And Ceramics for High growth Industries European Training Network (ETN).

The objective of this research project is the development of mechanically competent, chemical resistant and tough geopolymers incorporating non-hazardous silicate waste. A family of geopolymer matrix composites hosting silicate waste particulates will be developed. These inorganic composites will be characterized in terms of microstructure, mechanical properties and degradation behaviour in different environments. Intensive inter-sectorial and interdisciplinary secondment and mobility activities between academia and industry will be undertaken at Institute of Physics of Materials (Czech Republic), University of Padova (Italy) and at the company SASIL S.p.A. (Italy).


The CoACH project has been funded by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks action (MSCA-ITNs). 

CoACH provides career development and training opportunities for researchers who are in their first 4 years of research career in both the public and private sectors. 

CoACH is an inter/multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial programme as it includes 5 academic partners and 10 private companies, from seven different European countries. CoACH will promote international excellence in glass, ceramic and composite science and technology, modelling, design, characterization and commercialization of advanced glass, ceramic and composite based products. 
The 15 recruited PhD researchers will benefit from direct access to state-of-the-art research equipment and expertise. They will be trained in creative, independent problem solving under time and resource constraints typical of a scientific and technical working environment in continuous contact with the industrial world. 
The CoACH ETN will provide training-through-research in:
Glasses and composites for HEALTH care industries
Glasses, ceramics and composites for the ENERGY production and ICT industries
ENVIRONMENTALLY-friendly, low cost glass, ceramic and composite materials.

Application procedure
Competences of applicants will be assessed on the basis of the evaluation of their educational and research background, as well as on their research project proposal. To this end, all applicants must predispose a research project proposal on the thematic subject of the chosen ESR position is focusing on (thematic subjects are available at

The research project proposal will be taken into account exclusively for admission purposes and does not necessarily anticipate the research activity the trainee will engage during his/her doctoral career.
The application must include:
- Application letter containing research interests, career plans and the reasons for applying
- CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work - scientific publications)
- Copies of educational certificates and transcript of records
- Details of internationally recognised language qualifications achieved.
- List of publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
- Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number). One or more letters of references may be included
- Research proposal (the template can be downloaded from

All documents should be in English.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Engineering - Materials Engineering

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Required Languages
Language LevelGood
Required Education Level
Degree FieldChemistry
Additional Requirements
Certificate of English language knowledge
Recognized certificates:
◦IELTS with a minimum score of 5.0;
◦TOEFL ibt with a minimum score of 77 - cbt with a minimum score of 210 - pbt with a minimum score of 547;
◦Cambridge ESOL examinations - General English exams: minimum level accepted is PET pass with merit;

◦Otherwise, a certificate stating that students have obtained Bachelor or Master degree, in which English was used as medium of instruction, certifying that “The medium of instruction is English”.

Citizens of countries, in which English is one of the official languages, are exempted from providing any certificate.
Required Education Level
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent

Application Deadline


Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application website