HPC Application Specialist

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) is a branch of ETH Zurich. It provides, develops, and promotes technical and scientific services for the Swiss research community in high-performance computing (HPC). At CSCS, you will have the opportunity to work with world-leading applications for a wide variety of different research areas.

To reinforce its team, the Scientific Computing Support group is seeking a

HPC Application Specialist

who will work with scientists to help them make optimal use of CSCS resources.

The Scientific Computing Support Group supports researchers from all fields of computational science including biosciences, chemistry, materials science, nanosciences, physics and astrophysics, environmental and earth sciences, fluid dynamics and engineering. You will work with researchers to enable them to get the best from current codes and computer facilities at CSCS and prepare applications to run on our hybrid (CPU + GPU) XC system Piz Daint. The core tasks include performance analysis, code optimization and parallel scaling of scientific applications as well as implementation of numerical algorithms on hybrid systems. The main duties will include maintaining the software portfolio on different supercomputing systems including installation/compilation and documentation of community applications, third-party software and libraries as needed. Other duties include participation at the roster for the user support ticketing system as well as contribution to the CSCS training and events.

Candidates are expected to have a doctoral degree in applied mathematics, natural sciences, or computer science with a background in parallel computation. You should have experience or a strong interest in scientific codes development on GPUs (CUDA/OpenACC/OpenCL…) and in profiling and debugging tools for scientific applications on GPUs. Fluency in spoken and written English is essential. Knowledge of Italian, German and/or French is a strong asset.

You are used to work in a flexible, self-starting and independent manner with a high degree of interpersonal skills and abilities. Above all you have the capability to think out of the box and are extremely client-orientated.

This position will be located at CSCS in Lugano, Canton Ticino.

For further information about the position contact Gilles Fourestey (gilles.fourestey<στο>cscs.ch) or Maria Grazia Giuffreda (giuffreda<στο>cscs.ch) (no applications).

We look forward to receiving your online application. Please submit it to CSCS, Stephanie Frequente, Human Resources, 6900 Lugano.