Applying Novel High Tech Tools for Intelligent Data Processing and Analysis for Next Generation Large Instruments, Paris (ESR1.1)


INFIERI: INtelligent Fast Interconnected and Efficient Devices for Frontier Exploitation in Research and Industry.
Applying Novel High Tech Tools for Intelligent Data Processing and Analysis for Next Generation Large Instruments
APC, University Paris-Diderot/CNRS, Paris, France

Position: ESR fellowship within the Marie Curie ITN INFIERI Project.

Duration: 3 years in total with double funding

Contract Start: Possibly before or by May 2015.

Application Deadline: The vacancy is open until a suitable candidate has been found.


The work will be carried out at the AstroParticle and Cosmology (APC) Laboratory, in Paris. Stays in UK (RAL and Oxford) INFIERI partners and at ASTRON (NL) are foreseen.
The fellow will be enrolled in the Doctoral school of Physics in Paris-Diderot, and with a possible co-advising with one of the collaborating INFIERI and/or SKA partner.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Physics - Other

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Site Description
The Laboratory of AstroParticle & Cosmology (APC) is a Joint Research Unit (JRU) formed together with CNRS (represented by three of its Institutes: mainly IN2P3, but also INSU and INP), University Paris-Diderot, CEA and Observatory of Paris. It is situated in the downtown Paris Campus of the University Paris-Diderot. The developments of collaborative efforts with CEA (Cosmostat and Maison de la Simulation) and with the team in Observatory of Paris/Nancay, for instance, will be also beneficial.
It is a new structure (2005) that comprises more than 200 people (researchers, academics and technical staff) and gathers, in a unique way, experimentalists, theoreticians and science computing staff who are expert in high level imaging and data processing. It is part of the especially highly skilled Educational and Research environment offered by the Paris area. Moreover the links with international Academics and International Labs such as Oxford, Rutherford Lab in UK, ASTRON in NL will allow performing this ambitious PhD program with the involvement of local and international experts with which the team is closely collaborating.

Comment/web site for additional job details

Profile and Requirements
Applicants must have a M.Sc. in Physics and/or Engineering, have not yet obtained a PhD degree, and in any case must not have more than four years from the start of their research career (counted from the diploma that gives right to embark in a doctorate studies). Good Physics background, skills in electronics and possibly areas related to detector instrumentation, as well as good skills in real time computing would be especially valued. Gender balance and equal opportunity policy are part of the INFIERI hiring strategy. A fluent English level, team working and ability and availability to travel are essential. In order to fulfill the eligibility criteria of the Marie Curie ITN at the date of recruitment, applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in France for more than 12 months for the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. French candidates can apply if they have resided in another country for more than 3 years of the last 4 years.
Application must contain: letter of motivation, detailed curriculum vitae, transcripts of B.Sc./M.Sc. degrees, and three reference letters. To apply, please send the required documents with subject “ESR1 INFIERI” to: and/or
For more information on the INFIERI ITN


Required Education Level
Degree FieldPhysics
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent

Application Deadline


Application e-mail

Envisaged Job Starting Date
