Sweden : PhD student in Computer Science

Modern computing systems are based on heterogeneous processing systems and efficient utilisation of these systems for real-time rendering is an increasingly challenging task. This position will perform research into these areas.

Research will be conducted with the Lund University Graphics Group with the possibility to collaborate with the Intel Advanced Rendering Technology group in Lund. This research will be focused on new algorithms for graphics and GPU modelling developed by studying the state of the art, improving it, testing and analyzing those algorithms and publishing the results. Analysis of algorithms typically involves C/C++ and GPU programming.

The assignments include research (80%) and teaching (20%) in the GPU Modelling project (Empirical Heterogeneous System Modelling for Efficient Real-Time Rendering).

Eligibility/Entry Requirements

A person meets the general admission requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she:

1. has been awarded a second-cycle qualification
2. has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second cycle, or
3. has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

The higher education institution may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds.Ordinance (2010:1064).

A person meets the specific admission requirements if he or she has

1. at least 150 credits in mathematics, engineering and science including at least 60 second-cycle credits in computer science and a second-cycle degree project worth 30 credits of relevance to computer science, or
2. a MSc in Engineering including at least 60 credits in computer science or another second-cycle qualification of relevance to computer science, including at least 60 credits in computer science.

Finally, the student must be judged to have the potential to complete the programme.

Exemptions from the admission requirements may be granted by the Board of LTH.

Master of science in engineering, in Electrical Engineering or similar. Candidate assessment is mostly based on academic results at the undergraduate level with a particular focus on:

1. Knowledge and skills relevant to the thesis work including undergraduate courses in GPU programming, computer graphics and advanced rendering. These skills can be demonstrated via an interview and recent application development.
2. Demonstrated ability to work independently and ability to formulate and attack scientific problems. The assessment may be done based on the thesis and a discussion of this in an interview.
3. Good communication skills including spoken and written English.
4. Other experience relevant to education at graduate level, such as professional experience. Solid background in Computer Graphics and Mathematics. Strong C/C++ coding ability. GPU programming (DirectX/OpenGL) and understanding of GPU architecture. Experience with Rendering algorithms, such as rasterization, ray tracing, or global illumination. Being able to demonstrate recent graphics applications would be an advantage.

The applicant must be able to express himself/herself in English.
Basis of Assessment

The employment of doctoral students is regulated in the Swedish Code of Statues 1998: 80. Only those who are or have been admitted to PhD-studies may be appointed to doctoral studentships. When an appointment to a doctoral studentship is made, the ability of the student to benefit from PhD-studies shall primarily be taken into account. In addition to devoting themselves to their studies, those appointed to doctoral studentships may be required to work with educational tasks, research and administration, in accordance with specific regulations in the ordinance.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 31 March 2015

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