PhD position/ Early Stage Researcher position at University of Bristol, UK in the Initial Training Network PROVISION (ESR3 - Content Analysis and Synthesis II)

The partners of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) PeRceptually Optimised VIdeo CompresSION (PROVISION) are offering different Early Stage Researcher (ESR) and Experienced Researcher (ER) positions all over Europe. The various vacancies are located at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, the University of Bristol, the British Broadcasting Corporation in London, the RTWH Aachen and the University of Nantes with secondments in the different institutions and internships at renowned associated partners such as Microsoft and Technicolor all over the world. 
A total of 15 positions are available, 12 at ESR level and 3 at ER level. The eligibility criteria for these posts and the detailed description of each project area are provided in the link below. The salaries for these posts depend on the country where the post is hosted but are in the region of 46 T€/yr for ESRs and 67 T€/yr for ERs.


The University of Bristol is offering one more Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position in the field of video coding.

The ESR researcher will focus on Content Analysis and Synthesis. The candidate will be in possession of a high ranking degree from a good university in the field of electronics, computer science, mathematics or a related discipline. They will have an interest in and preferably some experience related to image processing or video compression and will be competent in Matlab and C++. Subject to certain conditions, the ESR postholder will be able to register for a PhD at the University of Bristol. The ESR will partner with Fraunhofer HHI Berlin in Germany.

The qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience outlined below provide a summary of what is required to carry out this job effectively. They also form the selection criteria on which the decision on who to appoint will be made. Please ensure that you show how you meet the criteria outlined below in your application.


- They will have an interest in and preferably some experience related to image processing or video compression and will be competent in Matlab and C++.
- The candidates would be in possession of a high ranking degree from a good university in the field of electronics, computer science, mathematics or a related discipline.
- High quality oral and written delivery

- Undergraduate project work and/or options in signal and image processing, video compression
- Excellent interpersonal skills

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Engineering - Electrical engineering

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


- Generous salary and additional allowances to cover living costs and travel, including a contribution to some family related expenses and the cost of annual travel back to home country.
- Opportunities for international collaboration and travel to world class academic and industrial partners.
- Training in a range of state-of-the-art scientific skills, intellectual property and project management skills.
- Secondment placements within the network’s industrial partners.
- Funds to support their participation in the PROVISION ITN European wide research and training events

Comment/web site for additional job details

Please visit our web site at, enter the vacancy number ACAD101303 into the job search and follow the link to the on line application process.
Further information on the University’s application process can be found at:
Women are under-represented in this area and we would welcome applications from female candidates.
Informal enquiries can be made to Professor David Bull at Dave.Bull<στο>

Application e-mail

Application Deadline


Envisaged Job Starting Date
