Vaporization on microstructured surfaces

This project is aimed to study new enhanced surfaces during two phase flow of refrigerants. The proposed surfaces are: metal foams, nanoporous coated surfaces, and mini microfin tubes. The project will be carried out at the Laboratory of Heat Transfer in Microgeometries, of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale. In this laboratory, there is a two phase heat transfer set up designed for the study of these new enhanced surfaces. The working fluids will be low GWP refrigerants, such as R1234ze(E), R1234yf and also the common R134a, used as a benchmark to compare the new fluids. These fluids will be tested during vaporization through metal foams, over nanoporous coated surfaces and through mini microfin tubes. Mini microfin tubes will also be tested during condensation, in order to study the possible viable implementation in a real air conditioning equipment

Research Fields


Selection process

comparative assessment of qualifications, scientic and professional curriculum, scientific productivity and interview

Programme Description
Number of awards per year1
Annual budget21304
International mobility required ?yes
Eligible destination country/ies for fellowsItaly
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residenceInternational
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/iesInternational
Website of Fellowship Programme
Fellowship's Details
Career StageExperienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)
Research ProfilesNot defined
Employment contract with full social securityyes
Total amount per fellowship per year21304
Covers salaryyes
Covers research costsyes
Maximum duration of fellowship24

Application deadline
