PhD Studentship – All-optical signal processing for optical communications / Micro-structured optical waveguides for nonlinear-optics and mid-infrared applications

Aston University - School of Engineering and Applied Science

PhD Studentship (3 years)

1) All-optical signal processing for optical communications
2) Micro-structured optical waveguides for nonlinear-optics and mid-infrared applications

Applications are invited for one three-year PhD studentship in either of the above projects, supported by the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Aston University, to be undertaken within one of the largest photonics research groups in the UK - Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AIPT) [].

The position is available to start in July 2015

Financial Support
This studentship includes a fee bursary to cover the Home/EU fees rate plus a maintenance allowance of £13,863 in 2014/15. Applicants from outside the EU may apply for this studentship but will need to pay the difference between the ‘Home/EU’ and the ‘Overseas’ tuition fees, currently this is £10,914 in 2014/15.

Background of the Project

1) The new generation of optical communication networks requires new enabling subsystem elements and components adjusted to novel coding, modulation and transmission techniques. The main challenges that today’s signal processing (both electronic and optical) faces are: the simultaneous processing of all the optical signal parameters used for data encoding, multilevel signal processing, multichannel (multi-wavelength and multimode) processing, and performance optimisation of the system with nonlinear elements. The main target of this project is to investigate theoretically and experimentally new approaches to address these challenging issues. The emphasis will be on the design and implementation of regenerative subsystems for advanced modulation formats based on the phase-sensitive amplification technology and using highly nonlinear fibres and semiconductor optical amplifiers, nonlinear processing in multimode fibres, and the analysis of the capacity limits of regenerative communication channels with an account of existing and new regenerative elements (3R/2R, multilevel, multichannel, multi core/node) combined with information theory techniques.

2) The direct femtosecond (fs) laser writing technique can be used to produce tracks of positive or negative refractive-index change in various transparent dielectrics. By inscribing arrays of such tracks inside a material, single waveguides (WGs) as well as sets of WGs with the desired properties can be realised. New materials and structures, featuring both low-loss light guiding and high nonlinear response, will be the main focus of the proposed project. This research on direct fs-laser inscription will include crystalline hosts, chalcogenide, phosphate and other special glasses, glass ceramics, as well as polycrystalline nano-ceramics. Experimental work on the project will involve high-repetition rate fs-laser inscription, online and post-inscription characterisation of the induced changes in the material properties, adaptive beam shaping, online image processing and programming. Application wise, arrays of tightly coupled WGs in nonlinear optical media will enable a number of novel devices for applications in ultrafast all-optical signal processing. Other applications will span mid-infrared broadband and coherent sources, detectors and sensors.

Person Specification
The successful applicant should have a first class or upper second class honours degree or equivalent qualification in general or applied physics, electronic engineering, applied or computational mathematics, photonics, or appropriate closely related discipline. Preferred skill requirements include expertise in C/C++ and/or Matlab programming, good mathematical background, and knowledge/experience of nonlinear waveguide and fibre optics, optical signal processing, optical communications, and optical measurements.

For informal enquiries about this and other opportunities within AIPT, contact Dr Sonia Boscolo by email: s.a.boscolo<στο>

The online application form, reference forms and details of entry requirements, including English language are available at

Closing Date: 30/04/2015
