The Mathworks Studentship in Engineering

University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering

Funding is available to support a PhD studentship in Control Systems in the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, generously provided by MathWorks (the developers of MATLAB® and Simulink® engineering software).

The studentship is tenable for 3 years from 1 October 2015 and includes: the cost of College and University fees at home/EU rate and a maintenance grant at the EPSRC recommended standard rate and paid internships for up to 10 weeks each year at MathWorks Cambridge offices

Research in any area of systems of control will be considered. Some current areas of interest include:

Design Principles for feedback regulation:

  •  Communication networks
  •  Power distribution networks
  •  Electrical and mechanical networks

Systems biology

Neural behaviours

Circuit synthesis

Passivity based control

Nonlinear control:

  • Optimisation on manifolds
  • Coordination, synchronisation and consensus

Candidates should have a degree in Engineering, Mathematics or Science, with an excellent academic record and strong mathematical aptitude. Any applicant for PhD study in the Cambridge control group will be considered automatically for this studentship.

Further details may be obtained from Professor Malcolm Smith, mcs<στο>

To apply complete form CHRIS /6 (cover sheet for C.V.s) available at  and send with your C.V. and covering letter to Mrs Hannah Smith, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, email: div-f<στο>

Shortlisted candidates will be required to apply to the Cambridge Graduate Admissions Office.

Applications should be made on-line via the Cambridge Graduate Admissions Office before the deadline:

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
