6-8 PhD Studentships in Business Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2015-2016)

The Department of Business Administration is the largest department at the School of Business, Economics and Law, with approximately 150 staff member. Organisationbased research in business administration and economic geography is allowing us to develop a knowledge and understanding of enterprise which is paving the way for well balanced development of companies and society. Industries, branches, companies and the public sector are all being studied as part of the wealth of research projects taking place at the department.

We are looking for 6-8 doctoral students in Business Administration, placed at the department’s four sections: Industrial and Financial Management & Logistics, Management & Organisation, Marketing and Accounting respectively. Read about the research carried out in the Sections at http://www.fek.handels.gu.se/english/research/

An employed doctoral student should primarily devote themselves to their own education.The study programme consists of coursework comprising 90 higher education credits and a thesis part comprising 150 higher education credits, for a total of 240 higher education credits. A General Syllabus for Third-Cycle Studies in Business Administration Leading to a Degree of Doctor is available at http://fek.handels.gu.se/english/Education/postgraduate-studies/from-adm...

A doctoral studentship entails full-time work. Departmental duties may amount to a maximum of 20% of full time spread over the period of study. The total period of employment may not exceed a period corresponding to four years of full-time third cycle study. The time at which the research student was studying but not employed as a doctoral student will be deducted from this period. The regulations governing the employment of doctoral students may be found in Chapter 5, §§ 1-7 of the Higher Education Ordinance.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τετάρτη, Απρίλιος 1, 2015