Eight (8) PhD Scholarships in Materials Science, CEA, France (2015-2016)

SRMP offers 8 subjects for 3 year PhDs in materials science, starting in October-November 2015. The students will be registered at a leading French university (Paris-Saclay, Paris-Orsay, etc.) associated with CEA and will receive a PhD degree from this university upon graduation. The first three subjects are priority subjects with a secure funding for three years, the last five are eligible to apply for a three year funding by CEA.

The missions of SRMP are:
- To study the elementary mechanisms on which the science of nuclear materials (for fission and fusion) is grounded. We do basic research combining theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches.
- To build the science of materials under irradiation and to develop the associated multi-scale modeling. We rely in particular on the experimental simulation of neutron irradiation damage by electron or ion irradiation, especially with the Jannus facility. We couple various models from the atomic up to the microstructure scale. This work is performed in collaboration with other units of CEA as well as French and foreign laboratories working on the same subjects, frequently in the framework of national or international projects.
- To apply our expertise to non-nuclear issues, e.g. photovoltaic materials.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 6, 2015