Information Officer (Evidence and Analysis Systems), The Hague

Closing date: Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Job TitIe and LeveI: Ìnf ormat ion Of f icer (Evidence and Analysis Syst ems) (P-2)

Vacancy Announcement No: 5008EE-PO

DeadIine for AppIications: 11.03.2015

OrganizationaI Unit : Knowledge Base Unit , Of f ice of t he Prosecut or

Duty Station : The Hague

Type of Appointment: Est ablished Post

Post number : 4164

Minimum Net AnnuaI SaIary (SingIe Rate) (EURO) : C 57,020

Contract Duration

For init ial appoint ment s, t he Court of f ers a t wo-year appoint ment wit h t he possibilit y of ext ension (six mont h probat ionary period). A rost er of suit able candidat es may be est ablished f or t his part icular prof ile as a result of t his select ion process f or bot h f ixed-t erm est ablished and general t emporary assist ance post s.

Duties & Responsibilities

Under t he supervision of t he Head of t he Knowledge Base Unit , t he Ìnf ormat ion Of f icer is responsible f or t he development and support of elect ronic cont ent management and analysis syst ems wit hin t he Of f ice of t he Prosecut or (OTP). These dut ies ext end t o:

  1. Operat ion of Technical Ìnf ormat ion syst ems (monit or t he ut ilizat ion, usage pat t erns and healt h of t he underlying dat abases; conf igurat ion of document , workf low and wit ness management syst ems);
  2. Def init ion of user and syst em requirement s meet ing business needs of t he Of f ice (collect ion and analysis of business processes and user requirement s f or new syst ems or f or syst ems int egrat ion);
  3. Populat ion of syst ems wit h collect ed evidence and analysis dat a;
  4. Aut omat ion of dat a handling processes f or invest igat ive/t rial t eams and service providers wit hin t he Of f ice;
  5. Research, maint enance, enhancement and support t o new and est ablished inf ormat ion t echnologies wit hin t he Of f ice;
  6. Technical point of cont act f or maint aining syst em operat ions, t roubleshoot ing, syst em upgrades and bug report ing;
  7. Ìmplement at ion of t raining programs f or OTP evidence and analyt ical syst ems;
  8. Cust omizat ion of exist ing inf ormat ion syst em and problems wit h applicat ion or inf rast ruct ure (liaison wit h vendors, OTP and ÌCT st af f );
  9. Perf ormance of ot her dut ies as required, including backup and support t o ot her f unct ions wit hin t he Unit .

Essential Qualifications

  1. Universit y degree in t he f ield of Ìnf ormat ion Science / Technology or a similar relevant subject f rom a recognized universit y;
  2. Four years of progressively responsible prof essional experience in t echnical inf ormat ion management (t wo years if in possession of a relevant advanced Universit y degree), pref erably in law enf orcement , legal or int elligence organisat ion.
  3. Experience in t he f ollowing areas would be considered a st rong asset :
    • a programming language essent ial, pref erably .NET C#;
    • relat ional dat abases and programming, pref erably Microsof t SQL Server;
    • Sharepoint , Nint ex, HP Trim, Wynyard, Nuix
    • eDiscovery and lit igat ion support t ools;
    • iBase and Analyst s Not ebook;
    • preparing and delivering t echnical t raining;
  4. Thorough underst anding of inf ormat ion t echnology in relat ion t o invest igat ive, legal, and judicial processes;
  5. Abilit y t o aut omat e dat a management processes wit h a script or programming language;
  6. Solid underst anding of best pract ices in syst ems design and management ;
  7. St rong apt it ude f or implement ing document and inf ormat ion workf lows wit hin an organisat ion;
  8. St rong underst anding of st andards and best pract ices in relat ion t o t he collect ion, analysis and document at ion of user requirement s and business processes;
  9. St ruct ured project management skills;
  10. Abilit y t o art iculat e complex t echnical concept s in plain language t hat is easily underst ood;
  11. St rong int erpersonal skills;
  12. Abilit y t o work in a mult i-cult ural environment wit h sensit ivit y and respect f or diversit y;
  13. Personal and prof essional int egrit y.


Fluency in eit her of t he working languages of t he Court , English or French, is essent ial. Working knowledge of t he ot her is desirable. Knowledge of anot her of f icial language of t he Court would be considered an asset .

ÌCC Core Compet encies

Dedicat ion t o t he mission and values - Act s consist ent ly in accordance wit h t he mission and values of t he Organisat ion; - Maint ains conf ident ialit y, act s wit h int egrit y and shows respect f or diversit y; - Shows commit ment t o t he organisat ion; - Present s a posit ive image of t he organisat ion during ext ernal discussions.

Prof essionalism - Applies prof essional and t echnical expert ise; - Keeps abreast of organisat ional issues; - Produces workable solut ions t o a range of problems

Teamwork - List ens, consult s ot hers and communicat es proact ively; - Handles disagreement s wit h t act and diplomacy; - Recognises and rewards t he cont ribut ion of ot hers

Learning and developing - Ìdent if ies development st rat egies needed t o achieve work and career goals and makes use of development al or t raining opport unit ies; - Learns f rom successes and f ailures; - Seeks f eedback and gives f eedback t o ot hers t o increase organisat ional ef f ect iveness; - Seeks opport unit ies f or improvement of work; - Has an open mind and cont ribut es t o innovat ion.

Handling uncert ain sit uat ions - Adapt s t o changing circumst ances; - Deals wit h ambiguit y, making posit ive use of t he opport unit ies it present s; - Plans act ivit ies and project s well in advance and t akes account of possible changing circumst ances; - Manages t ime ef f ect ively.

Ìnt eract ion - Expresses opinions, inf ormat ion and key point s of an argument clearly; - Handles cont act s wit h diplomacy and t act ; - Communicat es in a t ransparent and open way wit h int ernal and ext ernal cont act s while complying wit h conf ident ialit y requirement s.

Realising object ives - Accept s and t ackles demanding goals wit h ent husiasm; - Keeps t o agreement s wit h ot hers; - Focuses on client needs; - Takes responsibilit y f or act ions, project s and people; - Monit ors and maint ains qualit y and product ivit y.

GeneraI Information

The select ed candidat e will be subject t o a Personnel Securit y Clearance (PSC) process in accordance wit h ÌCC policy. The PSC process will include but will not be limit ed t o, verif icat ion of t he inf ormat ion provided in t he personal hist ory f orm and a criminal record check. All candidat es should be in a posit ion t o submit an elect ronic copy of t heir passport and all diplomas list ed on t heir prof ile when request ed; - Applicant s may check t he st at us of vacancies on ÌCC E-Recruit ment web-sit e; - Post t o be f illed pref erably by a nat ional of a St at e Part y t o t he ÌCC St at ut e, or of a St at e which has signed and is engaged in t he rat if icat ion process or which is engaged in t he accession process, but nat ionals f rom non-st at e part ies may also be considered; - Ìn accordance wit h t he Rome St at ut e, t he ÌCC aims t o achieve f air represent at ion of women and men f or all posit ions, represent at ion of t he principal legal syst ems of t he world f or legal posit ions, and equit able geographical represent at ion f or posit ions in t he prof essional cat egory; - Applicat ions f rom f emale candidat es are part icularly encouraged; - The Court reserves t he right not t o make any appoint ment t o t he vacancy, t o make an appoint ment at a lower grade, or t o make an appoint ment wit h a modif ied job descript ion. - The ÌCC is willing t o apply t he ' Ìnt er-Organisat ion Agreement concerning Transf er, Secondment or Loan of St af f among t he Organizat ions applying t he Unit ed Nat ions Common Syst em of Salaries and Allowances' or ' t he Ìnt er-Organisat ion Mobilit y Accord' on a reciprocal basis.

Application Information: