PostDoc - Computer Science


Work description:

The position includes primarily research (80%) in computer science with a focus on machine learning, data mining & knowledge discovery, and related areas. The position also includes teaching (20%) within the area, mainly at advanced level but also at basic level. The position also includes supervision of doctoral students and students at advanced level. The position is financed by a large research project, Scalable resource-efficient systems for big data analytics, where close collaboration with industry is key for the project execution. The duties also include performing and publishing research of high international quality as well as applying for external research grants.

About the research profile:

Data will be generated at an ever-increasing rate for the foreseeable future. Added value and cost savings can be obtained by analyzing big data streams. The analysis of large data sets requires scalable and high-performance computer systems. In order to stay competitive and to reduce consumption of energy and other resources, the next generation systems for scalable big data analytics need to be more resource-efficient. The research profile, Scalable resource-efficient systems for big data analytics, combines existing expertise in machine learning, data mining, and computer engineering to create new knowledge in the area of scalable resource-efficient systems for big data analytics. The value of the new knowledge will be demonstrated and evaluated in two application areas (decision support systems and image processing).

The needs and interests of our 11 industrial partners are grouped into industrial challenges. Based on these challenges and in cooperation with our partners we have defined initial sub-projects grouped into four research themes:

  • Research theme A: Big data analytics for decision support
  • Research theme B: Big data analytics for image processing
  • Research theme C: Core technologies (machine learning)
  • Research theme D: Foundations and enabling technologies

This research profile is in the center of the university's vision to be a globally attractive knowledge community within applied information technology and innovation for sustainable growth. The research group currently includes four full professors, two associate professors, four assistant professors, and a number of Ph.D. students. The mix of competences gives unique possibilities to develop new knowledge in the profile area. The profile includes a well-defined career advancement program and a visiting researcher program.

About the department:

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DIDD) was established on January 1, 2014. DIDD belongs to the Faculty of Computing and currently includes 36 staff members out of which 17 are senior researchers and 12 are PhD students. The department offers education and conducts research in computer science and computer engineering as well as related areas. The University profile is applied IT and innovation for sustainable development. The research and education at DIDD are completely aligned to this profile, and are conducted in close collaboration with partners from both the private and the public sector.


To submit your application, please click on the "Apply through website" button. 

The application documents shall comprise five parts:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Account of scientific and educational work
  3. CV with annexes
  4. List of publications
  5. Documents, maximum of 10

For more information, please refer to

BTH is an equal opportunity employer, thus all applicants are welcome to apply.

Please submit your application, marked with the reference number for the position, by March 31, 2015 at the latest. 



A person is qualified for employment as a post doc if he or she has obtained a doctoral degree, or a corresponding foreign exam. Applicants with a doctoral degree not older than three years ought to be prioritized, although applicants with older degrees may be ranked higher if there are special reasons, e.g., leave due to illness, parental leave, clinical service, commissions of trust for unions, or similar circumstances.

The following is required for this position:

  • A doctoral degree in computer science or a related area.
  • Periodic publication in high-quality scientific conferences and journals.
  • Ability to work in independently as well as in teams.

Basis for assessment:

Research skills in computer science with a focus on machine learning, data mining and information discovery are given particular weight, and after that are pedagogical skills. Experience of industrial collaboration is considered as a merit. Thereafter are administrative and other skills related to the position weighted, and the ability to interact with the society and inform about research and development work.

Meriting qualifications:

  • applied pattern recognition,
  • techniques for deep learning,
  • techniques for kernel-based learning,
  • GPU-programming and heterogeneous systems, and
  • experimental design and statistical analysis


BTH, Blekinge Institute of Technology is one of Sweden's most distinct universities with the vision to be a globally attractive knowledge community in applied IT and in innovation for sustainable growth. Here come together technology with economics, social sciences, health care, culture and communication. BTH conducts education and research at a high international level where learning at the heart of all students, teachers, and researchers.

Blekinge Institute of Technology was founded in 1989 and currently has more than 8 000 registered students and about 550 employees. BTH received 1999 university status in technology and conducts researcher education in the areas of Applied IT and Planning and Management.

BTH is ranked number 6 in the world in systems and software engineering (ranking by the "Journal of Systems and Software") and number 1 in the European Union.

Our main campus is located in Karlskrona in new offices on the coast to the sea.

BTH closely cooperates with industry and the public sector, both in research and education at the regional, national and international levels. Research is one third of our business.

BTH is a climate-neutral university since September 1, 2008.

Please visit us at

Reference number: BTH 3.1.5-0014-2015