PhD Studentship - Novel methods for 3D printer managed services

University of Bristol - Mechanical Engineering

3D printing has seen a rapid growth in capability and application across many engineering sectors and is expected to triple in market value over the next decade. Correspondingly, many organisations have either invested heavily in 3D printing facilities or make significant use of external suppliers (e.g. FabLabs). In both cases there is a need for organisations to maximise the productivity of the printers, reduce lead times and ensure right-first-time parts. Consequentially, there is a pressing need to research and create tools and methods for the provision of managed services for 3D printing. Such tools and methods need to provide functionality such as design verification (printability) through Design for Manufacture principles, optimisation of scheduling and printer bed configuration, real-time process monitoring and control, and approaches of part quality inspection. This project will first consider the overall requirements of managed 3D print services and then research, create and demonstrate novel tools/methods that address one or more aspects of the overall service. It is envisaged the project will adopt either a manufacturing process capability (DFM) perspective, a condition monitoring perspective (including sensing, signal/image processing and state detection) or a numerical optimisation perspective for scheduling and productivity. The specific focus will depend on the research interests of the candidate and the research opportunities identified. The successful candidate will join a team of 8 researchers in the Design and Manufacturing Futures Lab.

How to apply: Please make an online application for this project at Please select Mechanical Engineering on the Programme Choice page and enter details of the studentship when prompted in the Funding and Research Details sections of the form

Candidate requirements: High 2:1-level degree in a relevant engineering and/or mathematics degree, preferably at Masters level. Degree subject: Mechanical, Aeronautical, Automotive or Manufacturing Engineering. Design/Design Engineering or Computer Science. 
o Knowledge: computer programming, design/manufacturing processes. 
o Skills: Strong written, presentation and communication skills. 
o Interest in 3D printing

Funding: Home/EU: Full payment of tuition fees and maintenance stipend of £13,863 per annum. Studentship covers full UK/EU (EU applicants who have been resident in the UK for 3 years prior to application) PhD tuition fees and a tax-free stipend at the current RCUK rate (£13,863 in 2014/15). EU nationals resident in the EU may also apply and will qualify only for PhD tuition fees

Contacts: For general enquiries, please email: Dr James Gopsill
Email: J.A.Gopsill<στο>

