Four (4) PhD & One (1) Postdoctoral Scholarships in Conformationally Controlled Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland (2015-2016)

A postdoc and four PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, Switzerland. The positions are part of the Swiss National Science Foundation Consolidator Grant project “Conformationally Controlled Chemistry”. The project aims at exploring the role of individual molecular conformations on the chemical reactivity and developing new experimental
methods for studying chemical reactions using cold and controlled molecules methods. The project involves close collaborations with Prof. Jochen Küpper (University of Hamburg and Deutsche
Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)) and the theory groups of Profs. Markus Meuwly and Anatole von Lilienfeld (University of Basel). One PhD position is purely theoretical and is concerned with the identification and theoretical modeling of conformationally specific reaction mechanisms using quantum-chemical and reactive-molecular-dynamics methods.

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Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τρίτη, Μάιος 5, 2015