Short Term Visits Scholarships, Deusto International Tuning Academy, Spain (2015-2016)

The International Tuning Academy has been established with the aim of making the results of all Tuning and Tuning-related projects accessible to the academic community and stipulating research on Tuning-related topics. The present call is launched by the Deusto headquarters of the Tuning Academy: Deusto International Tuning Academy (DITA).

In the framework of the different TUNING projects a methodology has been developed for (re-)designing, developing, and implementing first-, second- and third-cycle university degree programmes, as well as for evaluating and enhancing the quality of programmes of higher education. The TUNING methodology helps all the stakeholders understand higher education curricula and make them comparable. The five focus lines of the Tuning educational projects have been as follows:
- Generic competences,
- Subject-specific competences,
- The role of ECTS as an accumulation system and measuring students’ workload
- Approaches to learning, teaching, and assessment appropriate for competence-based learning
- The role of quality enhancement in the educational process (emphasizing systems based on internal institutional quality culture).

The research projects we are looking for will focus on one of these topics:
1) analysing and evaluating the impact produced by the Tuning projects at the level of particular higher education programmes/institutions/countries/regions;
2) approaches to learning, teaching and assessment of generic competences – concrete examples of what is done within higher education degrees accompanied by enhancement proposals based on both theoretical and empirical data;
3) staff development initiatives that facilitate implementation of competence-based approach – critical evaluation of their effectiveness and how well they meet the needs;
4) curriculum reform and incorporation of Tuning approach in institutional and national policies.

The Short-Term Visits Scholarship Scheme has been established in order to bring together academics who have already been exploring Tuning-related topics, and PhD students/junior academics interested in researching one of the four topics (1-4), thus further consolidating Tuning-related research as a distinct domain within the general area of higher education studies.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Ιούνιος 7, 2015