PhD Studentship in Innovative Green Chemistry in Palm Oil Processing for a Sustainable Future and Global Food Security

Applications are invited for a research studentship within the internationally recognised Institute for Global Food Security and the QUILL Research Centre at Queen’s University Belfast under the supervision of Dr Tassos Koidis and Prof Martin Atkins.

This project will focus on developing and validating a potential breakthrough processing technology in removing contaminants from crude oil combined with the analytical development to meet future standards for oil processing in the food industry ...

Research Fields


This fellowship comes from a partnership between EURAXESS and Naturejobs. Get more details!

Programme Description
Eligible destination country/ies for fellowsUnited Kingdom
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residenceAll
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/iesAll
Website of Fellowship Programme
Fellowship's Details
Career StageEarly stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate), Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc), More Experienced researcher or >10 yrs (Senior)
Research ProfilesNot defined

Application deadline
