PhD student position in energy-efficient optical datacenter networks

We invite candidates to apply for a PhD student position in the field of optical datacenter networks. Your role in the team will be to develop physical layer models for transmission in datacenter interconnects, for various types of new network architectures. Furthermore, you will develop transmission techniques and resource allocation schemes based on these physical layer models, targeting the three goals listed above.


The growing popularity of cloud and multimedia services is increasing the traffic volume that datacenters need to handle, leading to serious bottlenecks in datacenter networks in terms of both capacity and energy consumption. The goal of this project is to develop new all-optical network architectures and resource allocation schemes, which will allow (1) ultra-high capacity inside the datacenter, (2) reduced energy consumption of the datacenter network, and (3) flexible provisioning of connectivity inside the datacenter. The research will be conducted in close collaboration with the Optical Networks Lab ( at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. You will belong to a strong team of researchers in optical communications, organized in the FORCE research center ( This center brings together researchers in communications and photonics to solve hard problems in optical communications through a cross-disciplinary approach. The collaboration bridges traditional discipline boundaries and includes the whole chain from components to system, from analysis to experiments.

The position is a full-time temporary employment, with a competitive monthly salary and full social benefits, limited to a maximum of four years plus teaching and other departmental duties. There are no tuition fees for PhD studies at Chalmers. The starting date is tentatively in August 2015, somewhat flexible.

To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field. A suitable background for this position is a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics, or similar, with specialization in digital communication and network technologies. High grades in the core courses are required. Experience in optical communications is not required, but you should have an interest in applying your skills to optical systems.

Candidates must be creative and have the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team, present their ideas and results to researchers with different backgrounds, and be open for the application of results. Good communication skills and fluency in English are essential. Good programming skills are necessary, and mathematical skills, particularly optimization theory and techniques, are a plus. Experiences in research, publications, and teaching are also advantageous.

For further information and how to apply, please visit:

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 

Application website

Application Deadline
