PhD Studentship: The Use of Digital Prototyping and Advanced 3D Visualisation technology to support Forensic investigation and the Criminal Justice Process

University of Warwick

Awards available: 1 award available

Funding Details: Fees and maintenance at RCUK Level

Length of Award: 3 years (PhD)

Supervisor: Professor Mark Williams

Project Overview:

Feasibility studies carried out at WMG have shown that Digital Prototyping techniques can be used to significantly enhance the criminal justice process from the Forensic investigation of crime scenes through to the presentation of evidence to a jury.  These techniques; including Laser Scanning, Micro CT, 3D printing and advanced 3D Visualisation, can be used to collect and analyse evidence and communicate results to stakeholders, both internally and externally to the investigation teams.

As part of the ground breaking Forensic Investigation Research Scanning & Training (FIRST) initiative, West Midlands Police (WMP) are looking to fund a PhD to investigate these digital techniques and establish the benefits of their use within the criminal justice process.  Working alongside the Crime Scene Investigators (CSI’s) and staff at UHCW, the candidate will be expected to work on live cases actively supporting the WMP Homicide team in the analysis of evidence and its presentation at court.  As a result the research is expected to yield innovative new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for forensic investigation and will help quantify the benefits of applying the technology.

The successful candidate will be based in the Metrology and Product Evaluation and Metrology research group at WMG and work within operations at WMP. The candidate will therefore be vetted using standard Police procedures to obtain security clearance for access to sensitive data.


Due to funding restrictions, funding is available for well-qualified UK or EU students.

Candidates should hold a 1st or 2.1 degree in any science or engineering discipline with an interest in metrology and 3D visualisation

Application Details:

This project is available to start on 6th July 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Please complete our online enquiry form.
