PhD Studentship: Quantification of Microstructure in Plate Steels using EM Sensor Technology

University of Warwick

Supervisor: Professor Claire Davis

Funding: EPSRC CASE Award

Start Date: October 2015

Project Overview: 

Electromagnetic (EM) sensor signals are sensitive to changes in the relative permeability of a steel sample, where the relative permeability is determined by the steel microstructure, temperature and presence of applied or residual stresses.  Different types of EM sensors are used in the steel industry to assess the condition of strip steels and it has been shown that the low frequency inductance value from low field EM sensors can be used to measure the ferrite fraction in a range of dual phase steel microstructures.

The key to developing this technique in the industrial environment is to understand and interpret the meaning of the EM sensor signal in the context of the steel microstructure. This is not straightforward, as it has been demonstrated that a number of microstructure constituents influence the measured signal. For example grain size, precipitates, texture, phase balance and distribution.  In addition, when considering plate and sections the influence of non-uniform through thickness microstructure (and temperature for in-situ testing during hot deformation or cooling) needs to be considered.

This project will assess the role of microstructure on the relative permeability, and hence EM sensor signals.  Factors such as residual stress, through thickness variations in microstructure and/or temperature will be considered. 

The successful applicant will be expected to carry out experimental characterisation work (e.g. microscopy and EM sensor testing) as well as modeling (using finite element based models linking microstructure to EM properties).  Regularly meetings with the industrial sponsor (Primetals Technology Limited) will also be held.

Eligibility: Applicants must be UK residents and should have a 1st or 2.1 degree in a relevant science or engineering subject such as materials, physics, mechanical engineering, or maths.

Application Details:

Initial enquiries to Prof Claire Davis (email: Claire.Davis<στο>

To apply please complete our online enquiry form
