PhD Studentship: 3M: Motion Synthesis and Behaviour Modelling of Multi-legged Creatures

Bournemouth University - Faculty of Media and Communication

Lead Supervisor nameJian Chang

We request a talented PhD student to join our world class research centre for computer animation (ranked UK No. 1) at Bournemouth University and to participate in an innovative research project of modelling the motion and understanding the underlying mechanism for multi-legged characters.

Rational: The motion and behaviour of multi-legged creatures like insects or imagined monsters in Epic, either as an individual or a crowd, is of particular interest to animators who want to replicate the believable dynamics and movement in a physically plausible manner. Such knowledge is of special value as well for designing and controlling robots and for biological study where the virtual in-silicon replication can produce useful data and information in addition to traditional experimental setting of using real subjects. 

Aim: The proposed PhD research project aims to resolve difficulties on numerically replicating the motion and behaviours of insects-like multi-legged creatures, where their motions are hardly synthesised or recorded with modern motion capture techniques because of their small body size, complex structures and agile movement. 

Methods: The research methods consist of two main parts: one is the numerical simulation of a biomechanical model of the complex body structure, which takes the actuation into account using virtual motors or real muscles and produces physically plausible dynamic response; the other is the artificial neuron based simulation which drives the individual and crowd behaviour and provides proper response and action corresponding to external stimuli, such as visual, audio and haptic sensation. Enhanced animation/synthesis is produced by organically combining the functions of the two modules which will automate the processes of laborious and expensive manual production.

Innovative and Timely: This project will develop related knowledge and technologies for computer animation, which is highly demanded by VFX industry, to reinforce the leading position of the National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA) as the UK No. 1 education and research base.

What does the funded studentship include?

Funded candidates will receive a maintenance grant of £14,000 per annum (unless otherwise specified), to cover their living expenses and have their fees waived for 36 months. In addition, research costs, including field work and conference attendance, will be met.

Funded Studentships are open to both UK/EU and International students unless otherwise specified.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates for funded PhD studentship must demonstrate outstanding qualities and be motivated to complete a PhD in 3 years.

All candidates must satisfy the University’s minimum doctoral entry criteria for studentships of an honours degree at Upper Second Class (2.1) and/or an appropriate Master’s degree. An IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 minimum (or equivalent) is essential for candidates for whom English is not their first language.

In addition to satisfying basic entry criteria, BU will look closely at the qualities, skills and background of each candidate and what they can bring to their chosen research project in order to ensure successful and timely completion.

Closing date: The first call for applications will close on 21 April 2015.

For further information on how to apply click the ‘Apply’ button below or email pgradmissions<στο>  
