Six (6) Postdoctoral Positions, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany (2015-2016)

The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in Müncheberg is a member of the Leibniz Association, and one of the largest non-university research institutions in the Federal State of Brandenburg. Interdisciplinary research conducted at ZALF focuses on issues concerning the ecological and socio-economic effects of multifunctional agricultural landscape use.

In the context of supporting early career scientists, ZALF seeks to fill up to six post-doc positions in its core topics “Landscape Functioning” (core topic I), “Land Use Change and Impacts” (core topic II) and “Land Use Conflicts and Governance” (core topic III). Each successful candidate shall explore one of the following issues:

- CO2 fluxes and carbon dynamics in agricultural landscapes (core topic I).
- Biogeochemistry of temporarily flooded soils and its relation to landscape processes (core topic I).
- Role of functional traits for carbon and nitrogen dynamics in agricultural landscapes (core topic I).
- Long-term effects of agricultural systems on soil productivity and ecosystem services (core topic II).
- Self-regulation ability/ compensation effects against agricultural pressures in agricultural landscapes (abiotic + biotic) (core topic II).
- Modelling responses of biotic systems on changing boundary conditions (climate, land use, management) (core topic II).
- Innovative methods to identify land use conflicts and/or landscape preferences (core topic III)
- Interaction of different institutions in rural landscapes (core topic III)
- Operationalising the ecosystem service approach for different types of governance (core topic III)

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τρίτη, Μάρτιος 31, 2015