Surface Evolution and Coatability of Low Density Steels

University of Warwick

Supervisor: Professor Sridhar Seetharaman (WMG)
Co Supervisor: Shangping Chen (Tata Steel)
Supporting Company: Tata Steel

A high amount of Al (~7 wt%) and Mn (~6 wt%) in low density FeMnAlC steels make them very different from the conventional steels. The highly alloyed Al and Mn particularly influences the ability of galvanising because of the formation of more stable (Mn,Al)O type oxides. Therefore, the coating ability of FeMnAlC steels will be different from the conventional steels.

In addition, the Al in the steel may also react with N, which can be present as an impurity in the bulk steel or in the gas-atmosphere in which the steel is cooled, re-heated and rolled. Aluminium nitride precipitates could affect the coating ability and result in detrimental mechanical properties. This project aims to investigate the surface microstructure and its effect on coatability in ferritic and duplex LDS alloys with composition ranges being Al 2 to 10 wt% and Mn up to 6 wt%. Specific objectives are:

  • To develop a fundamental understanding of the selective oxidation behaviour of low density steels with high Al and low to medium Mn in annealing atmospheres.
  • To understand the formation mechanism of nitride inclusions in annealing atmospheres.
  • To investigate the effect of the selective oxides and nitride inclusions on the coating behaviour and surface quality

The outcome of the project will be the gained knowledge of the surface evolution in high Al steels under conditions relevant to industrial conditions. This should aid in the strategic goal for developing coated LDS. 

Applicants must be UK residents and should have a 1st or 2.1 degree in a relevant science or engineering subject such as materials, physics, mechanical engineering, or maths. 

This is an EPSRC Case Award for the coming year 2015. Therefore the stipend will be approximately £16,863. Eligibility is home only (or EU classed as home under EPSRC regulations). Duration will be 3.5 years.

To apply, please complete our online enquiry form
