PhD Studentship: Healthcare Systems Engineering and Systems Modelling

University of Warwick - Warwick Manufacturing Group

Hospital Service Systems for Quality & Productivity Improvement

Dr Sudi Lahiri (s.lahiri<στο>

Prof Darek Ceglarek (d.j.ceglarek<στο>

A PhD studentship is immediately available for a highly motivated student interested in Hospital Service Systems Modelling for Quality & Productivity Improvement at WMG, University of Warwick.


The aim is to examine hospital service delivery systems for quality and productivity improvements.

The candidate is expected to work with multidisciplinary teams of researchers developing service system models to analyze, monitor and carry out root cause analysis for process improvements.

Candidates must be self-motivated, possess good communication skills, with ability to work in teams and adhere to all project deadlines. The candidate is expected to develop analytical skills and make an original contribution to knowledge in the area of healthcare quality and productivity.


Candidates with a degree in any of these fields will find this studentship especially relevant:

  • industrial and systems engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • computer science
  • statistics
  • software engineering
  • mathematics
  • physics
  • operational research
  • supply chain management
  • medical science background with interest in data modelling; or a related subject

Good data analysis and computing skills are essential, ideally in Java, C++, MATLAB and Visual Basic is a must.

Knowledge of various types of simulation modelling software such as ARENA, AnyLogic, and WITNESS is especially beneficial.

Candidates must be self-motivated, possess excellent communication skills, an ability to work in teams and adhere to all project deadlines. The candidate is expected to develop analytical and computational skills and submit results of work for publications in academic literature. An original contribution to knowledge in the field is expected.


The PhD studentship is open to all students who meet the candidate requirements, for an immediate start.

To apply, please complete our online enquiry form
