Engineer in Bioinformatics for Synthetic Biology

The Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) is recruiting an engineer to develop and deploy Computer-Aided Design (BioCAD) tools for biotechnology applications. This is a tenured position. The successful candidate will join INRA’s Micalis institute in Jouy-en-Jossas near Paris (  Micalis hosts 350 researchers, technicians and students working in 20 different teams.

You will take part of the Synthetic Biology research team headed by Jean-Loup Faulon, which aims is to develop computational and experimental techniques for the biosynthesis of chemicals in microbial chassis strains. You will participate to the design of metabolic pathways and be responsible for developing software tools based on in-house chemical fingerprints and kernel methods to build reaction rules and novel metabolic pathways.  Your tools will be interfaced with flux analyses methods, such as Resource Balance Analysis. The software suite you will be developing will be deployed within INRA and benchmarked by experimental teams. You should thus have strong collaborative skills and ability to work and communicate in a team environment.

You should have a recent Ph.D. in computational chemistry, computational biology or computer science. Essential qualifications include background knowledge in cheminformatics and/or bioinformatics and excellent programming skills in languages such as C++, Java, Perl, Python, PHP, as well as scientific software (R or Matlab). Experience with machine learning, software project development, and familiarity with relational databases is desirable.

To apply and obtain further information please visit informatique, statistiques et calculs scientifiques, numéro du profile: IR15-MICA-2). You should then contact Jean-Loup Faulon (jfaulon<στο> and/or Stéphane Aymerich (stephane.aymerich<στο>