Shelter Officer - profile, UNHCR

Closing date: Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Job Title: Profile Shelter Officer

Job ID: 10009

Location: Undetermined

APA Location: Undetermined

Salary Grade: Hardship Level: H

Family Type Location: Eligibility Information

Operational Context

There is no Operational Context for this Job Opening

Duties and Qualifications

Shelter Officer

For Junior (P2), Mid (P3) and Senior (P4) Level Positions

The Shelter Officer conducts comprehensive sectoral needs assessments in liaison with other relevant sectors such as protection, programme, community services, Public Health, WASH, administration and supply. To ensure the most effective response, both quantitative and qualitative data should be gathered on the profile/needs and living conditions of both the displaced population and host community. In a first instance, the incumbent ensures that UNHCR Field operations are supported in carrying out shelter and settlement needs assessments taking into account the current situation, projected population planning figures and the expected scale of returns.

The Shelter Officer also ensures that the development of shelter strategies take into account the local context, age and gender, culture, climate, environmental protection available resources and skills. In addition, the incumbent ensures that shelter responses evolve according to the changing nature of the situation, progressively working towards more durable solutions and drawing from local building practices and materials.

Within an urban context, it is essential that shelter responses take into consideration urban planning strategies, including an analysis or residential areas, housing affordability and availability. In addition, regardless of the context, shelter assistance should at all times minimize the risk of eviction, exploitation and abuse, overcrowded living conditions, limited access to services and unhygienic conditions.

Specialized functions to be dealt with by the incumbent in this post include shelter planning/design and construction monitoring, which imply that the person should have a strong academic qualification in civil engineering or architecture.

Typical functions include:

  • Ensuring that UNHCR Field operations are supported in carrying out shelter needs assessments taking into account the current situation, projected population planning figures and the expected scale of returns.
  • Development of country level shelter strategies which are framed by UNHCR's Global Strategy for Settlement and Shelter (2014-2018) and take into consideration the local context, age and gender, culture, climate, environmental protection and the availability of local resources, including materials, capacities and existing infrastructure.
  • Providing clear guidance on standards for shelter and settlement, including minimum emergency standards to meet basic and essential needs.
  • Together with UNHCR's implementing partners, compiling, analysing and mapping available information on shelter options in country taking into account relevant policies adopted by the Government. When planning shelter works, ensuring that the technical component reflects UNHCR minimum standards for the provision of emergency and other types of shelter assistance and is within the budgetary requirements. Due consideration should be given to standards in other relevant sectors such as water and sanitation.
  • Ensuring the shelter strategy is periodically reviewed to reflect the evolving situation in country and progressively transitioning to more sustainable shelter solutions. This process should be done in close collaboration with the beneficiaries and the host Government while bearing in mind the shelter needs of people upon their eventual return to their country of origin.
  • Ensuring that specifications, bills of quantities and drawings are produced in a technically sound and standardised manner and establish monitoring and evaluation tools to ensure that works are implemented according to plans and completed within the designated timeframe.
  • Promoting the sustainability of technical interventions through local capacity building and self-help in collaboration with local partners in the field. Ensure that local communities have been consulted on all activities so as not to create unnecessary tension between the displaced and host populations.
  • In consultation with UNHCR's implementing partner and local communities themselves, identifying the need for community based Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) that can benefit the local and displaced communities.
  • The position requires regular contact with programme, protection and field staff in country in order to ensure technical support related to shelter and construction activities.
  • Close and regular contact with technical and non-technical staff of UN Agencies, Implementing Partners, National and International NGOs and Government Authorities, is essential to discuss matters relating to shelter and infrastructure coordination and provision.
  • Maintaining regular contact with the Shelter and Settlement Section in Geneva regarding all technical matters.

Minimum qualifications and professional experience required

For positions at the P2 level

  • Education: University degree in Architecture or Civil-Engineering
  • Job Experience:
  • Minimum of 2 years of relevant professional experience with a Master's Degree
  • Minimum of 4 years of relevant professional experience with a Bachelor's Degree
  • Languages: Excellent knowledge of English and good working knowledge of another UN language. French is particularly desirable.

For positions at the P3 level

  • Education: University degree in Architecture or Civil-Engineering.
  • Job Experience:
  • Minimum of 6 years of relevant experience with a Master's Degree of which a minimum of 2 years of international field experience
  • Minimum of 8 years of relevant experience with a Bachelor's Degree of which a minimum of 2 years of international field experience
  • Languages: Excellent knowledge of English and good working knowledge of another UN language. French is particularly desirable.

For positions at the P4 level

  • Education: University degree in Architecture or Civil-Engineering.
  • Job experience:
  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience with a Master's Degree of which a minimum of 4 years of international field experience
  • Minimum of 12 years of relevant experience with a Bachelor's Degree of which a minimum of 4 years of international field experience
  • Languages: Excellent knowledge of English and good working knowledge of another UN language. French is particularly desirable.

Application Information: