Lead Specialist, Washington

Closing date: Friday, 13 March 2015

Background / General description


Established in 1944, the WBG is one of the world's largest sources of funding and knowledge for development solutions. In fiscal year 2014, the WBG committed $65.6 billion in loans, grants, equity investments and guarantees to its members and private businesses, of which $22.2 billion was concessional finance to its poorest members. It is governed by 188 member countries and delivers services out of 120 offices with nearly 15,000 staff located globally.

The WBG consists of five specialized institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). IBRD and IDA are commonly known as the World Bank, which is organized into six client-facing Regional Vice-Presidencies, several corporate functions, and - as of July 1, 2014 - has introduced fourteen Global Practices (GPs) as well as five Cross-Cutting Solution Areas (CCSAs) to bring best-in-class knowledge and solutions to regional and country clients.


The 14 GPs are: Agriculture; Education; Energy and Extractives; Environment and Natural Resources; Finance and Markets; Governance; Health, Nutrition and Population; Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management; Poverty; Social Protection and Labor; Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience; Trade and Competitiveness; Transport and ICT; and Water. The 5 CCSAs are: Climate Change; Fragility, Conflict and Violence; Gender; Jobs; and Public-Private Partnerships. The new operating model is part of a broader internal reform aimed at delivering the best of the World Bank Group to our clients, so that together we can achieve the twin goals of (1) ending extreme poverty by 2030, and (2) promote shared prosperity for the bottom 40% of the population in every developing country.

The Global Practices specifically will: Define Strategic Direction:

  1. define strategic priorities to deliver solutions and achieve results based on country and regional demands and interactions and global priorities;
  2. define/implement integrated resource strategies,
  3. engage in selected, high priority partnerships, and
  4. establish robust monitoring and reporting systems.

Develop and Deploy Expertise Globally:

  1. lead the development and delivery of solutions to clients by deploying the right technical staff where and when needed; and
  2. invest in developing technical talent.

Deliver Integrated Solutions:

  1. deliver operations, while Regions ensure fit for purpose;
  2. develop public-private integrated solutions that draw on GPs, CCSAs, MIGA and IFC; and
  3. hold the 'Concurrence' role in all project/AAA approval steps, ensuring that all technical quality, safeguard and fiduciary requirements (if applicable) are met.

Capture and Leverage Knowledge Effectively:

  1. ensure knowledge is used effectively to deliver solutions to clients;
  2. assign staff roles and accountabilities in creating, capturing, sharing and using knowledge'
  3. reward knowledge sharing and learning, in performance management and career development; and
  4. develop knowledge base around key development challenges and solutions sets.


An effective and accountable governance framework, in the form of functioning institutions, is a necessary precondition for sustainable poverty reduction. Fragile, ineffective or inexistent institutions have long been put forward as explaining the relative underperformance of economies.

Furthermore, poor governance and structural deficiencies in public and private institutions are often prevalent in fragile and conflict affected states. On the other hand, cross-country empirics have confirmed that higher institutional quality is correlated with higher levels of per capita income and greater economic growth. Thus, governance mechanisms and institutions are critical to sustained growth and poverty alleviation.

The Governance Global Practice (GGP) comprises a variety of different professional disciplines working on public institutions, including public sector management, governance and anti-corruption, procurement, financial management, social accountability and justice reform.

The GGP has the following four thematic areas:

  • Public Resource Mobilization and Management to provide policy advice and support to institutions and processes across the entire cycle of public financial management, both to countries and to WBG operations.
  • Public Integrity and Openness to provide policy advice, institutional support, assistance and capacity building for more transparent, honest and accountable governments.
  • Public Service Performance to support a continuous and sustainable improvement in the delivery of public goods and services both from central government, local governments, SOEs, PPPs and through regulation.
  • Governance and Inclusive Institutions to support countries in building sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy governance systems, including institutions beyond the executive branch of government.

The GGP interventions range from diagnostics, technical assistance and advisory services, knowledge management and sharing, creating peer learning platforms, lending and reform project implementation, and monitoring and reporting. An important part of its responsibilities is to deliver operational support to other Practices, including through inputs for policy-based operations, hands-on implementation advice and direct fiduciary due diligence of investment financing.


The Governance Systems Unit (GSU) performs a number of important responsibilities emphasizing on collaborative interactions within the GGP's Governance and Inclusive Institutions Directorate. The Governance Systems unit's primary focus would be on its integrative role within GII and GGP that emphasizes collaboration with others. Thematic responsibilities of the GSU include areas such as Integrated Digital Solutions; governance in the sectors; political economy analysis; the governance of extractives; and Identification for Development, or ID4D.


Robust identification systems are a foundational prerequisite for achieving development outcomes in different sectors of the economy. Identification can, not only help individuals secure a legal identity and safeguard their rights, but can help facilitate access to essential services, such as healthcare and education. Identification can also help individuals to gain formal employment, exercise electoral rights and access financial services.

The wide availability of information and communication technologies (ICTs), including ubiquitous mobile devices and low-cost biometrics, are making it possible for governments to leapfrog to more efficient 21st century civil registration and identification systems for their citizens. The World Bank Group is keen to promote secure identification as part of its development agenda by working closely with development partners, donors and governments.

The Bank has established a cross-sectoral Working Group on shaping-up the Identification for Development (ID4D) agenda, comprising a team of about 15 members, representing the Global Practices (GPs), Cross-Cutting Solutions Areas (CCSAs), the Development Economics department (DEC) and other concerned units. The Lead Identity Management Specialist will be responsible for both heading this agenda within the GGP and for representing the Governance Practice within the ID4D Working Group. These responsibilities will include helping to coordinate ID4D activities both within and outside the practice, operationalizing the GGP's ID4D strategy, building partnerships and conducting fundraising and outreach activities. The Lead Identity Management Specialist will also be expected to guide and support other ID4D-related activities, including operational engagements in the regions.

Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 4 year term appointment.

Duties and Accountabilities

The Lead Identity Management Specialist will be part of GSU unit and report to the GSU Practice Manager for GSU. He or she will work closely with the GGP's Integrated Digital Solutions team. Specific responsibilities will include the following, with some as a primary duty and others as a joint responsibility with other colleagues:

  • Lead GGP operational work involving ID4D and provide guidance and support to operational teams as needed.
  • Coordinate and carry-out missions to client countries where ID4D projects and pilots have been identified and ready to be rolled-out in a multi-sectoral manner, specifically in the Africa region. Develop innovative practical approaches to difficult policy and operational issues related to the implementation of ID4D projects/pilots.
  • Participate actively in and help ensure proper functioning of the established ID4D Working Group, consisting of about 15 core members representing the 10 participating entities 5 GPs (T&ICT, HNP, SPL, F&M, T&C, GGP), 2 groups (DEC, LEG) and IFC, MIGA and CGAP.
  • Coordinate the preparation and operationalization of the ID4D strategy/approach paper both within the GGP and in coordination with the participating GPs and sectors, and in consultation with external partners.
  • Contribute to the preparation of ID4D briefs, working papers, reports, analyses, and materials for internal and external users.
  • Coordinate GGP outreach and fundraising in support to the implementation of the ID4D agenda.
  • Develop strategic partnerships with bilateral, multilateral and non-governmental donors, building and fostering strong relationships with senior officials in countries where the WBG has ID4D engagements.
  • Expand the Identity Management (IDM) Experts Group within the GGP and connect this global network of experts to specific requests for support received from client countries.
  • Play a major role in the development and implementation of key outreach and dissemination events related to the ID4D agenda. Present in internal and external fora, conferences and seminars on the topics that are close or related to the ID4D agenda.
  • Be a core member of the Integrated Digital Solutions team, and support the efforts of the Global Solutions Lead for Integrated Digital Solutions to expand and develop the GGP's broader e-governance practice.
  • Perform other such duties as may be required from time to time to meet emerging corporate requirements linked to the ID4D agenda, or the broader functioning of the GSU.

Selection Criteria

The successful candidate will have

  • An advanced degree in a relevant field (public policy, information systems or technology, ICT, engineering, management, economics or related fields).
  • Be a recognized leader in the field, with a minimum of twelve years of combined education and professional experience in the area of ICT and identification systems, relationship management and/or trust fund administration.
  • Possess a detailed understanding of development policy and management, familiarity with donor agencies, and proven fundraising experience. Broad contacts within the donor community will be advantageous.
  • Experience in facilitating global networks of experts in ID4D-related areas.
  • Ability to engage with multiple and varied stakeholders globally, demonstrated diplomatic and interpersonal skills, including problem-solving skills.
  • A track record in multi-sectoral work and coordination of ID4D- related activities.
  • A track record of operational engagements in the ID4D-related areas in client countries, preferably in the Africa region.
  • Familiarity with World Bank operations, positions and priorities will be desirable.
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English are essential. Knowledge of other languages would be a plus.
  • The ability to work effectively under time pressure with limited supervision;
  • The ability to produce quality work with a high degree of accuracy, handling changes in priorities and working on multiple tasks simultaneously;
  • A proven ability to demonstrate initiative, monitor issues and tasks, meet deadlines and priorities.

Required Competencies

  • Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Influences the design and execution of major policy and/or research initiatives; conceives and promotes innovations in development policies, project design, organization and management to improve operational and sector work.
  • Policy Dialogue Skills - Has a track record of conducting effective policy dialogue with country counterparts; communicates and defends difficult issues and positions to senior bank management and government officials.
  • Integrative Skills - Possesses in-depth understanding of Bank resources in all areas of work in the network, and proven fungibility.
  • General Governance and Public Sector Knowledge and Experience - Is recognized as public sector expert as evidenced either through a solid record of publications; or through a track record of managing and delivering high quality economic reports, lending operations, or equivalent assignments.
  • Written and Verbal Communication - Demonstrates a strong command of all forms of communication and delivers messages in a consistently effective, timely and engaging manner
  • Lead and Innovate - Inspires and influences others to drive innovation.
  • Deliver Results for Clients - Acts as a trusted, strategic advisor, partnering with clients to deliver results.
  • Collaborate Within Teams and Across Boundaries - Leads collaboration across WBG and with partners drawing on robust professional networks.
  • Create, Apply and Share Knowledge - Establishes an environment where knowledge is created, applied and shared.
  • Make Smart Decisions - Makes timely decisions that have a broad impact.

Application Information: http://web.worldbank.org/external/default/main?pagePK=8454041&piPK=8454059&theSitePK=8453353&JobNo=150326&contentMDK=23158967&order=descending&sortBy=job-req-num&location=ALL&menuPK=8453611