Belgium : PhD studentship is available at Department of Physics and Astronomy

A fully funded (48 months) PhD studentship is available at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Gent University, Belgium. The aim of this PhD project is study of effects of opening of hemichannels on onset of cardiac arrhythmias. Hemichannels are large conducting non-selective channels which opening has a significant effect on ionic fluxes through cardiac membrane. The work will be performed in a close collaboration with a group which performs experimental measurements of properties of hemichannels in various conditions. On basis of these data a model of a hemichannel should be developed and integrated into an existing multiscale anatomical model of the human heart. This anatomical model will be used to study how opening of hemichannels affects the onset of cardiac arrhythmias and their dynamics.


Profile of the candidate


We seek a motivated candidate with broad interest in biophysics, integrative computational and mathematical biology, biomedical engineering. Prior experience in cardiac modelling is an advantage, but not necessary. Although most of the programs are already available at our group, a working knowledge of C/C++ is desirable.


How to apply


For further information about this position, please contact Prof. A.V.Panfilov (Alexander.Panfilov<στο> ). Application letters including a CV, a short statement of research interests, and contact details of three referees should be sent by email to the above-mentioned address.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 15 June 2015

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