Postdoctoral Position - Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience


A 3-year postdoctoral position (with possibilities for extension) in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience is available at the German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders at the Klinikum Grosshadern at LMU Munich, Germany. The position is part of a newly established group (PI: Prof Paul C Taylor, starting April 1st) investigating the neural dynamics underlying cognition both in normals and in patients with neurological disorders. We use a range of methods including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and combined online TMS-EEG. Of particular interest are disorders of spatial orientation and orienting, and how multisensory information (e.g. from visual and vestibular systems) is integrated in the representation of space and the control of attention and action.

To apply, please email a brief cover letter expressing research interests and future goals, a complete CV, and contact information for at least two references, as a single pdf file. Applications or requests for more information should be sent via the "APPLY" button.


Successful candidates will hold a doctoral degree in psychology, neuroscience, medicine, engineering or a related field, and have a strong enthusiasm for cognitive and clinical neuroscience. A strong background in one or more of the following is preferred: TMS, EEG, imaging, psychophysics, mathematical modelling, patient testing. The candidate must have a strong interest in using TMS on normal and patient populations and in cutting-edge developments in TMS-EEG. There will also be opportunities to use at least one additional method for brain stimulation, imaging or mathematical modelling. Proficiency in (or a willingness to learn) German is beneficial for communicating with patients.


The German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders is an interdisciplinary integrated research and treatment centre focusing on spatial orientation, ocular motor disorders, gait and posture, and vertigo and dizziness (see A wide range of facilities are available for measuring and manipulating brain activity and behaviour including fMRI, PET, NIRS, eye tracking and sophisticated methods for stimulating and assessing the vestibular system. The position can start from April 1st 2015 at the earliest, remaining open until a suitable candidate is found. Salary is calculated according to the collective agreement for public service employees (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst - TVöD-Bund). We are looking for creative individuals capable of both contributing new ideas and also benefiting from the rich variety of methods, resources, and approaches available. Women are especially encouraged to apply and handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.