PhD Studentship: Development of High-performance Coatings for Increased Corrosion Resistance of Modified Thermosolar Power Plant Components

University of Warwick - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing

Supporting Company: Abengoa

Start Date: 15th April 2015

Cranfield University and Abengoa are seeking a top class candidate to undertake research leading to the award of an International Engineering Doctorate (EngD (Int)), awarded jointly by the Universities of Warwick, Exeter and Cranfield.

As a ‘research engineer’ on our International Doctorate programme you will have unrivalled access to some of the best teaching and industrial expertise in the world. Based at Cranfield University, you will also spend time at Abengoa, Warwick and Exeter Universities to give you the broadest possible experience. You will emerge from the four-year programme more confident and better equipped to make a difference to your company and the global marketplace.

This opportunity also provides a substantial tax free stipend equivalent to many graduate jobs.


The actual technology trend in thermosolar plants for sustainable development is addressed to raise the working temperature and, consequently, to achieve higher conversion efficiency. Thus, specific corrosion-resistant coatings can have an important impact on the durability and sustainability of thermosolar power plant components. The aims of this EngD project are: (1) deposition of corrosion resistant coatings using particulate and atomistic-based manufacturing techniques; (2) analytical characterization of the deposited coatings using XRD, SEM, EDX, XPS and TEM techniques; and (3) characterization analysis of high temperature corrosion attacks.

Based at the Cranfield University National High Temperature Surface Engineering Centre, the student will be able to use both deposition and surface characterization facilities. In addition, the student will carry out part of their research work at the materials research laboratory of Abengoa Research in Seville (Spain) where their experiments will be monitored by an industrial supervisor. The research engineer will present their research findings regularly to a project team.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should have a minimum of an upper second (2.1) honours degree (or equivalent) in a related discipline, such as materials science or engineering. The ideal candidate should have a background in physical vapour deposition techniques and thin film characterization methods. He or she should be self-motivated, be able to learn new concepts quickly, work efficiently and keep extensive notes on processes and project management for successful technical writing.

  • High levels of innovative thought and lateral thinking
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Strong computer skills and the ability to learn new software quickly
  • Self-motivated, capable of working with minimal guidance and supervision, and within a team.
  • Enthusiasm for the subject

Due to funding regulations this project is open to Home/EU students only.

The Studentship

Qualifying students attract an enhanced stipend which could be tax and NI free depending on your personal circumstances, paid by the Centre and topped up by a contribution from Abengoa. For 2015 this totals approximately £19,000 tax free per annum.

The funding is for four years and will cover University tuition fees and all course fees as well as a travel allowance to attend courses.


For further information on the project please contact Prof. Jose L. Endrino, Head of Surface Engineering and Nanotechnology Institute (SENTi), Cranfield University (UK)

j.l.endrino<στο>  T: +44 (0) 1234 752931

To apply please complete our online enquiry form and upload your CV.
