Switzerland : A full-time PhD in science study or theory of architecture

The ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE in collaboration with the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture gta and the Chair for Science Studies at ETH Zurich has a position for

A full-time PhD in science study or theory of architecture

The ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE
(Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment) (Prof. Dietmar Eberle and Dr. Monika Kurath), the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung) and the Chair for Science Studies (Prof. Dr. Michael Hagner) successfully gained an ETH Research Grant to undertake a research project entitled: „Academizing Architecture: Design as a Research Practice“. The successful candidate will directly contribute to this research project through his or her PhD thesis.

The research is located at the interface of architecture theory, higher education research and science and technology studies (STS). It analyzes the education of architects at eight leading Western architecture schools in different national and educational contexts. A specific focus will lie on the research of the analysed faculties and how this is reflected in the skills taught. For this analysis, a qualitative ethnographic study will be conducted with research stays of 1-2 months at the analysed universities in Germany, Britain and the US.

We offer an exciting interdisciplinary project in a newly-created research group. The successful candidate will work closely with colleagues from ETH Wohnforum, gta and Science Studies at ETH Zurich. He or she will be integrated into the Doctoral Program in History and Theory of Architecture and will actively participate in the Colloquium of the Centre for History of Knowledge.

Profile: We are looking for a talented young researcher with a Master’s degree in sociology, anthropology, science and technology studies or a related field who has a strong interest in architecture. Knowledge of qualitative methods is requested as well as an interest in STS theory and methods. Skills and commitment to work in an interdisciplinary group are required. German and English language proficiency is expected.

Additional information may be obtained from Dr. Monika Kurath (kurath<στο>arch.ethz.ch)

Applications, accompanied by a letter of motivation, a detailed Curriculum Vitae (including a copy of university diploma and grades), a written sample of a maximum of 10 pages, like an excerpt from the MA thesis, from a seminar thesis or a publication and the names of two referees, should be sent to ETH Zürich, Mr. Matthias Steiger, Human Resources, 8092 Zürich by February 28, 2015.

We look forward to receiving your application online at www.jobs.ethz.ch (or "Apply now" below). 
Any other way of applying will not be considered.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 28 February 2015

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