PhD Scholarships, Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM), Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany (2015)

The "Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM)" offers a dynamic interdisciplinary training program that prepares students for future scientific challenges. Its ultimate goal is to create a top notch "Life Scientist of the Future" who can assimilate knowledge and techniques from various disciplines as well as combine basic with translational research, biotechnology and drug development. In order to achieve this goal SGBM follows four major strategies:
• it relies on existing research and teaching programs in life sciences and interdisciplinary courses in "Novel Technologies" and "Soft Skills"

• it has implemented an MD/PhD program which allows medical doctors to perform a PhD on projects at the interface of basic and translational research

• an exchange program allows the best doctoral students to participate in research and teaching activities at partner universities abroad

• doctoral students perform their research bearing in mind the DFG guidelines related to good scientific practice.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Μάρτιος 29, 2015