PhD Studentship - Bioelectrochemical Systems - Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) & Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MECs)

University of Warwick - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing

Supporting Company: Severn Trent Water

WMG at the University of Warwick and Severn Trent Water are seeking a top class candidate to undertake research leading to the award of an International Engineering Doctorate awarded jointly by the Universities of Warwick, Exeter and Cranfield.

As a ‘research engineer’ on our International Doctorate programme you will have unrivalled access to some of the best teaching and industrial expertise in the world, across three universities. While you will be based at The University of Warwick and Severn Trent Water, you will also spend time at Exeter and Cranfield Universities to give you the broadest possible experience. You will emerge from the four-year programme more confident and better equipped to make a difference to your company and the global marketplace.

This opportunity also provides a substantial tax free stipend equivalent to many graduate jobs.


While treating sewage, certain ‘electrogenic’ microorganisms will release electrons and protons, creating an electrical potential. In a conventional MFC, this voltage is used to generate electrical power. In a MEC, an external voltage is supplied to the cell, the combined voltage is sufficient to reduce protons, producing hydrogen gas. Hydrogen can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels for power generation or be used for other industrial purposes.

Business Need and Opportunity

Severn Trent Water’s (STW’s) strategy for large urban catchments is to move away from the traditional energy intensive “wastewater treatment works” and instead to operate its assets as bio-refineries i.e. product recovery facilities that aim to maximise the value in sewage. Sewage is a valuable resource that can be exploited to recover, amongst other things, energy (as electricity, gas and heat), clean water, fertilisers (phosphorus and ammonia), hydrogen, cellulose and bio-plastics, although the technology required for the economic recovery of these products is significantly more mature in some of these areas compared to others.

Entry Requirements


Candidates should have a minimum of an upper second (2.1) honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline.


• High levels of innovative thought and lateral thinking

• Excellent analytical and reporting skills

• Excellent stakeholder engagement

• Strong IT skills and the ability to learn new software quickly

• Self-motivated, capable of working with minimal guidance and supervision, and within a team.

• Enthusiasm for the subject and ability to understand wider context

• Desire to play an active role in improving Company performance measures

Due to funding regulations this project is open to Home/EU students only.

The Studentship

Qualifying students an attractive enhanced stipend which could be tax and NI free depending on your personal circumstances, paid by the Centre and topped up by a contribution from Severn Trent. For 2015 this totals approximately £19,000 tax free per annum.

The funding is for four years and will also cover University tuition fees and all course fees as well as a travel allowance to attend courses.


To apply please complete our online enquiry form and upload your CV.
