Wavemaker (Published on the “Albo Ufficiale” with number 666 of 28/01/2015 rectified with number 702 of 29/01/2015)

Wavemaker Control System for Irregular Developed Sea Waves Generation. Implementation and performance for the purpose of testing sea waves impact on structures or maritime devices.

Functionality of the system is validated by experiments conducted in the LABIMA wave flume (www.labima.unifi.it)DICEA.State of the art review of wave generation algorithms ; writing of the 1st technical report; Development of the new algorithm for wave generation; writing of the 2nd report;Implementation of the algorithm in terms of programming language(MatLab or similar languages);Numerical benchmark tests for validating the developed wave generation program; writing of the 3th Report.Experimental benchmark tests in the DICEA wave-current flume for validating the developed wave generation program Writing of the final technical report

Research Fields

Technology - Marine technology
Engineering - Civil engineering

Eligibility criteria

Master degree in Civil Engineering;Previous experiences in the filed of experimental models in maritime engineering;Skills in programming languages;Teamwork capability

Selection process

The competition will be carried out by an evaluation of titles and examination, by means of an interview

Programme Description
Number of awards per year1
International mobility required ?no
Eligible destination country/ies for fellowsItaly
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residenceItaly
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/iesItaly
Website of Fellowship Programmehttp://titulus.unifi.it/albo/viewer?view=files%2F001857195-UNFICLE-cba45825-8520-41a9-9bc3-982b7ee66b60-000-Bando+assegno+ricerca+AMINTI+2015+ALBO.docx.pdf
Fellowship's Details
Career StageEarly stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Research ProfilesNot defined
Employment contract with full social securityyes
Total amount per fellowship per year23333
Covers salaryyes
Covers travel and subsistenceno
Covers research costsno

Application deadline
