PhD: Storage, Update & Dissemination of Massive 3D City Models

The Netherlands has recently launched a 3D map covering the whole country, in which all buildings, roads, trees, canals are 3D geometries. It was created by adding the third dimension, obtained from airborne laser-scanners, to the objects in the 2D topographic map. This leads to a massive amount of information: 15M+ objects, billions of elevation points, and triangles.
The aim of the project is to investigate and develop methods to efficiently store and maintain the dataset in a database, and to disseminate it to practitioners. The existing database solutions for managing 3D volumetric objects will be tested with massive datasets and improved if necessary. The biggest challenge is the management of massive TINs (triangulated irregular networks) in a database. The PhD student will have to design and develop new data structures, implement them, and compare different alternatives. A prototype download service that generates 3D datasets tailored to specific applications will also be explored.
The project will take place in the 3D geoinformation group under the supervision of Prof. Jantien Stoter and Dr. Hugo Ledoux. It is fully funded by the Dutch Technology Foundation, and it is part of a large project in which three universities and 11 organisations are involved. We expect the PhD to collaborate with the researchers and practitioners involved in the project.
Link for more information:


Applicants should hold an MSc degree (or have almost completed one) in geoinformatics/geomatics, computer science, applied mathematics, or a related discipline. They are expected to have good programming skills, a good command of English (spoken and written) and a strong interest in 3D modelling and/or computational geometry. Prior experience with GIS is highly desirable.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 
More Experienced researcher or >10 yrs (Senior) 

Research Profiles

Not defined


0 - 2717


TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week and the option of assembling a customised compensation and benefits package (the 'IKA'). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment; an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor; and a Doctoral Education Programme aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills. Please visit for more information.
For more information about this position, please contact Hugo Ledoux, phone: +31 (0)15-2786114, e-mail: To apply, please send a detailed CV along with a letter of application, the names of 2 referees, copies of BSc/MSc diplomas and grades obtained, proof of English language competence
and a MSc thesis or any publications you have authored (a URL to a PDF is fine) by 2 March 2015 to C. Coemans,
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number BK2015-1.


Required Research Experiences
Main Research FieldTechnology
Required Languages
Language LevelGood
Required Education Level
Degree FieldTechnology
DegreeUniversity Graduate
Required Research Experiences
Years of Research Experience1

Application Deadline


Application website
