Turkish Cultural Foundation Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art, 2015

The Turkish Cultural Foundation is now accepting applications for its Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art. Since 2008, the TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art has provided funding to young and established scholars with a view to expand academic interest in Turkish cultural studies, as well as to increase publications in this field.

The Fellowship is awarded for outstanding papers published in the area of Turkish cultural and social studies, as well as to support the participation of scholars in leading conferences in this subject area. Since its launch, 77 scholars have been awarded the TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

The fellowships are intended for those who are enrolled in a graduate program or who have an equivalent record of professional accomplishment and publications.

Fellowships will be awarded for:
- Papers on Turkish cultural and social studies accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
- Participation in national and international meetings on Turkish art, cultural and social studies to present unpublished papers or otherwise contribute as a conference or workshop participant. Fellowship applications cannot be made for past activities.

Fellows will receive up to USD 2,000.

Applications must be submitted in English and will be accepted on a year-round basis

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